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Updated by Lusus Saule on Mar 09, 2015
Headline for Second Life Music
Lusus Saule Lusus Saule
19 items   4 followers   4 votes   627 views

Second Life Music

Info about music, links to blog posts and places in Second Life where you can hear live performers or dance to your favourite DJs.

Blues Mixtape 2 ~

Each Wednesday, between 12.00-14.00 SLT I can be found at Sidekicks, a blues and rock club owned and run by a great friend Lowen. To give you a taste of what you can expect to hear I've put together a mixtape for you to enjoy, using the excellent music site Deezer.

Mix Tapes | The Chilly Bear

If you run a club in Second Life and have a blog to go along with it, then you need content that engages visitors and helps to reflect what your club is all about. One way to do this is to add mixtapes (or playlists) to your blog and Spotify is an ideal service to use for this.

Solutions for Streaming Music into Second Life

There are multiple methods for audio streaming over the Internet and this article is to review some I've used and others that might be interesting to try. The first task is to decide what is necessary as solo musicians and DJs don't need all that much.

How to DJ in Second Life

Before you can actually book your first gig as a Second Life DJ there are several things that you need to have "put into place" first. I have listed them in step-by-step format below for easy reading.

Virtual Outworlding

Music stream to your land Each parcel of land has a music player that the owner can use to play music on the land. Here is how. These instructions are tested on the current standard viewer offered by Second Life. That is version - Vocabulary Audio stream: Send or receive audio, usually music, over the internet.

Are we not men?

Among the many things that make Second Life great is the ability to collectively listen to music. For a lot of us, after we've gotten used to listening to other people perform live or dj, being a listener isn't enough. But if you're like me, you didn't really have a clue as to how to...

how to stream your music into Second Life -- six software source clients compared

In this previous post, I explained how your music can be streamed into Second Life using the same technology as internet radio. I also explained that it required a Shoutcast source client, which sends your music to a streaming server, which subsequently rebroadcasts your music to all the listeners in Second Life.

The SL Enquirer: Trials and Tribulations of a Beginner DJ - Stareyes Galaxy Reporting...

Disc Jockeys (DJs) form the backbone for the social encounters in clubs in Second Life ©. Who wouldn't find elation in dancing to the tunes of DJs who can select, sequence, and execute a night of entertainment in a club full of your favorite people?

How To DJ In Second Life Using Mixxx | The Chilly Bear

The most popular DJ broadcasting software used in Second Life is probably SAM, but for many the price tag of around $300 is very off putting. However there are alternative DJ broadcasting systems and one of the best has to be Mixxx, not least because its completely free.

How to DJ in Second Life

DJing in Second Life seems like a very complicated process, it requires different components, planning and testing. This post is an outline of the requirements needed to DJ in Second Life. This is not a technical step by step guide, and you may need additional references not covered in this post, many I will link to throughout.

Facebook Group: Second Life musicians, DJs, Performers and fans

Facebook Group: Second Life musicians, DJs, Performers and fans.
Second Life, the virtual universe for rockin' out in real time!




I am Dj Base, a local producer of things that go bump in the night. With 24/7 streaming of remixes I've put together threw the years. I'm very active and always adding new remixes. If you have an idea for a remix, contact me.

How To Create a Mixtape With Spotify | The Chilly Bear

If you run a club in Second Life and have a blog to go along with it, then you need content that engages visitors and helps to reflect what your club is all about. One way to do this is to add mixtapes (or playlists) to your blog and Spotify is an ideal service to use for this.

Internet Broadcasting Software For Second LIfe DJs | The Chilly Bear

If you are planning on becoming a DJ in Second Life, after ensuring you have plenty of music the next thing you'll need is software to allow you to stream to your audience. This kind of software is usually called internet broadcasting software, and there are a number of options available.

Live Performances

From Second Life Wiki Types of Live Performances Spoken word (poetry, fiction or other reading) Live musical performers (vocalists/instrumentalists with or without "backing tracks") Theatrical performance (plays, dramatic productions) Dance DJ/Scratch Stand-Up Comedy Improvisational Graphics Frequently Asked Questions What Is A Live Performance In Second Life?

Welcome to Ballyhoo Music SL

Ballyhoo Music, Second Life, a site for artists, hosts and music lovers.




Second Life Music Community Forum


Welcome to SecondRater, a source of information and opinion on Live Music performers in Second Life. Artist pages contain website information, genre information, ratings and a comments section. The Resident Rating feature (at the bottom of each artist page) allows you to rate an individual artist (1 to 5 stars).

New Media - Best Music in Second Life Collection - Anthony R. Curtis, Ph.D., Professor, UNCP Mass Communication

Second Life has a rich, energetic music scene with independent artists thriving at live concerts, nightclubs, public houses, discotheques, concert halls and festivals. The virtual world provides a stage where these aspiring performers can be discovered by otherwise unreachable people around the globe.