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Updated by Jimmy Daly on Mar 24, 2023
Headline for 2014 Must-Read EdTech Blogs
Jimmy Daly Jimmy Daly
36 items   27 followers   195 votes   3.32k views

2014 Must-Read EdTech Blogs


Higher Edvolution

Higher Edvolution

@DeanFlorez's Daily Blog: Higher Edvolution
Breaking: Ed Tech, Higher Ed, Education, Tech News
Dean Florez is President of The Michelson @20MillionMinds Foundation. Senator Florez is a past California Senate Majority Leader with 20 years policymaking experience in higher education.

Social Media in Higher Education - Josie Ahlquist

Social Media Strategist, Digital Researcher & Online Explorer. Applying digital possibilities to Student Affairs communication strategy, leadership capacity and student development identity. theories. Doctoral student in Higher Education Leadership at California Lutheran University.

Paul Gordon Brown's Blog at Pb.log

Random musings on social media, teaching, student affairs, higher education and design.

Student Affairs Women Talk Tech

This thought has been on my mind since attending ACPA and realizing that some of my graduate student colleagues at other institutions had been informed by faculty that tweeting is 'unprofessional' and it was recommended that they not tweet at the conference.

On the Go with Ed Cabellon

I never saw it coming, I suppose I should have... but I really didn't. While our #ACPA14 Convention Planning Team had set the theme over a year ago, I had no idea the foreshadowing it had for me personally and professionally.

HighEdWebTech deals with the tech side of web development in higher education as well as marketing and communications.

ExamTime Blog | Online Learning Tools| ExamTime

The ExamTime blog is part of a free website to help students and teachers in higher education create, share and discover learning resources such as Mind Maps, Flashcards, Quizzes & Notes.

Saved by Abell

Many of you have probably seen the university "Confessions" pages popping up all over Facebook... It has been two weeks since I had the opportunity to attend the ACPA national... Recently I made the decision to move from a personal blogging venture to something a...

Technology Enhanced Learning Blog | eLearning, mLearning, Blackboard, Blogging, Social Media, and the stuff in betwee...

David Hopkins, Learning Technologist, University of Leicester: eLearning, mLearning, Blackboard, Blogging, Social Media, and the stuff in between.

~ Stephen's Web

Subscribe to OLDaily E-Learning News, Opinion, Technology.

GalleryEDU - The best in higher education web design and development

Welcome to GalleryEDU, a place to showcase and highlight design trends in web development and higher education.


ZaidLearn is the personal blog of Zaid Ali Alsagoff, who was voted as the 'Top e-Learning Mover & Shaker' in the World (2014). Here he explores the present and future of learning and e-learning. His learning adventures and explorations are second to none :)

Wired Campus

A project based at the University of Texas at Austin is on track to increase the accessibility and use of sound recordings by repurposing a tool originally developed to classify bird calls. The goal is to teach the tool how to classify sounds in a wide variety of existing recordings, and even to give scholars ways to visualize the sounds.


EDUKWEST was founded in 2009 by education blogger Kirsten Winkler to share the talks she had with startup founders and thought leaders in education with a larger audience instead of keeping them for herself. Over the years Kirsten recorded more than 200 interviews and talks with innovators and successful entrepreneurs in the education space covering life long learning, K-12 and higher education.

Over-the-Counter Data Blog

New research & commentary relating to the communication of education data (TK through Higher Education), covering topics like data systems, edtech, data use, data visualization & reporting, student needs, & educator needs.

ProfHacker - Blogs - The Chronicle of Higher Education

Tips, tutorials, and commentary on pedagogy, productivity, and technology in higher education.

Atomic Learning: Higher Education Blog

Looking to keep a pulse on how technology is being used by colleges and universities? Look no further than Atomic Learning's Higher Education Blog, which provides readers with up-to-date information on the latest industry news and insights on providing effective, campus-wide technology and software training for academic and career success.

A blog dedicated to rethinking learning for the 21st century.


Learning Ecosystems

Learning Ecosystems

The Learning Ecosystems blog seeks to cover the teaching and learning environments -- virtual and physical -- within the K-12, collegiate, and corporate training spaces. It has a heavy emphasis on the use of educational technologies to maximize learning in those areas. I keep an eye on the horizon -- constantly scanning various landscapes to identify promising/effective tools, pedagogies, visions, and ideas.

No longer are we running sprints (i.e., experiencing brief periods of education/training in our lives). We are all running marathons now (i.e., we all need to be lifelong learners now). As such, each of us needs to be a self-directed learner -- to attend to the building and growth of our own learning ecosystem.

Research; Curation; Top 10 tools in Education weekly

Discover in my blog startup edtools and why Curation is Social Media Master Class

daily edventures

If you have been following along with our coverage of the Microsoft in Education Global Forum in Barcelona, you may have already read about The Microsoft Innovative Schools Pitch Competition . This competition was the first challenge of its kind at the Global Forum, asking principals and headmasters to share their visions for how - with extra funding and support - they would transform schools worldwide.

SecurEdge Networks Blog

Focusing on posts specifically designed to support K-12 and Higher Education. Helping schools to design and implement mobility systems to support: 1:1, BYOD, mobile learning, and cloud based systems. Offering valuable content and tools to provide schools with what they need, why they need it and how to get the job done right. SecurEdgeBlog

U of Admissions Marketing

Take a look at the best (and worst) email and website practices of college and university admissions.


StudentAdvisor &

StudentAdvisor &

Student & is your learning portal to achieve your reimagined career. Broaden your skills, strengthen your credentials, and satisfy your curiosity with courses, certificates, and degree programs.

WJU EdTech

Technology, teaching, and best practices blog posts by Educational Technologist, Pam Jimison.