We have been focusing on collaborations with global communities for vaccine research & development in developing countries. Efforts are to make Child Immunization better.
Vaccine research and development in India has seen first of its initiative. Merck & Co. and Wellcome Trust have collaborated giving birth to Hilleman Laboratories.
The Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine is known as Killed Vaccine. It uses protein or any other pieces extracted from the bacteria and injected into the immune system.
Dr. Rafi Ahmed is a scientist, whose research subjects are immune memory and its vaccination applications. He also chairs the Scientific Advisory Board.
The vaccine for Hepatitis A and Tuberculosis (TB) developed by Hilleman Labs are affordable. The cost for Tuberculosis vaccine is less as compared to the market rates.
The rotavirus children can be cured with the help of a vaccine (administered on babies in two doses). With the advent of a vaccine for rotavirus, the cases of infection have fallen dramatically.
If figures are something to go by, mankind has an impressive gain by saving close to 1.1 million lives that almost succumbed to this fatal disease in a span ranging from 2001 to 2010.
Via mass vaccination programs and immunisation campaigns, vaccines have become easy to deliver to a large number of people; this has helped in providing far-flung protection.
Some vaccinums protect people for a lifetime; while few cannot, and, thus, require booster doses. Either ways, a vaccinated population is safer from fatal diseases than the unvaccinated one.
Most research companies develop ways to control the cost of vacciniums production. The common aim of many research laboratories is to let the world have access to economical vaccines.
It is advisable to get vaccinated whenever planning a visit to the developing world. While travelling to such a place, grownups can encounter a disease that may not be active at their home country.
The battle to get vaccinated and have resistance has stretched over centuries. Outbreaks have spread across the world since mankind has waged wars of expansion and power hunger. History books tell readers many such war stories.
Hilleman Laboratories aims to leverage its research functions and establish a proof of concept for the development of an optimized rotavirus vaccine that will impact the health of millions of children in developing countries.
These and many other myths surround vaccinations. Getting vaccinated is important for children as well as adults. The advances in medicine and vaccinology have helped in achieving success with vaccine optimization.
Parents always dream of healthy children. Most parents spare no effort to protect their children from diseases. The trouble, however, lies in different opinions that exist to achieve that common result.
History of smallpox has a unique position in medicine science. The disease is one of the most disastrous ones experienced by the mankind. Almost thirty percent cases of the disease culminated in death.
Hilleman Laboratories is one the leading vaccines laboratories, executing research works to develop tb vaccine. The lab is a leading name in vaccines manufacturing.strong text
The platforms for vaccine delivery used at Hilleman Laboratories are cutting edge. The lab develops the latest technology to ensure safe delivery of vaccine.
Vaccines are responsible for preventing close to 2.5 million deaths per year. A vaccine (especially meant for children) can have amplified effects if it is given in conjunction with vitamins, antibiotics, and the like.
Rotavirus is a common type of virus that infects the intestine in human body. Easily spread among infants and children, this virus is the most communal cause of diarrhea across the globe
Liquid vaccination has been the ‘default’ immunization since their being. It is the most straight-forward approach towards vaccination. Freeze dried formulations were devised to achieve adequate stability.
The present-day vaccine manufacturing sector has undergone several changes. The demand for human vaccination is anticipated to shoot up – especially in the underdeveloped and developing parts of the world.
Vaccine research in India has seen first of its initiative. Merck & Co. and Well come Trust have collaborated giving birth to Hilleman Laboratories.enter link description here
The death toll due to cholera is on the rise with more than 500,000 cases and approximately 7000 deaths around the world in 2011.
To put it simply, enteric diseases are a type of infections that is caused by a range of bacteria and viruses. Such viruses and bacteria enter a human body using mouth and affect an intestinal system.