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Updated by Lydia Peters on Jul 22, 2014
Lydia Peters Lydia Peters
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Epic Basketball + Car Beat (ONE TAKE!)

Hope you guys enjoy this epic beat we made with a Buick Regal GS and a troupe of basketball dribblers! Buick's 'Surprising Performance' Initiative was the catalyst for this, well... Surprising Performance. Thanks so much to Buick for sponsoring the video, and to Joel Manduke (Twitter/Instagram: @joelmanduke) for helping arrange the sick beats.

Five Things Couples Should Do This Spring

Spring is a season of rebirth and renewal, and the perfect time to sort through your life and look forward to the future. For couples, it's a good opportunity to rekindle their connection and make plans for what's approaching. This article lists five things you and your partner should do this spring to celebrate your relationship and move forward.

79% of Parents Talk to Their Kids About Online Safety

It's difficult to be a parent in the digital age. Your kids probably know more about the Internet than you do (you can undo sent emails now?), and they're using gadgets and apps you've never heard of (what's a Whisper?). There's simply no way to keep kids off the web, or to keep smartphones out of their little hands.

The Parents' Guide: Internet Safety Tips

Kids are spending more time on the Internet than ever. On one hand, they have access to a lot of information which can help with their homework, provide entertainment and improve their overall computer skills. However, children could also stumble upon inappropriate content.

Internet Addiction Disorder: How to Prevent It

Internet addiction disorder is a real thing. With children and teens spending more and more hours online, playing video games or interacting with others via social networks, it's important that parents become aware of the dangers posed by too much computer time.

Things Guys Should Never Do on a First Date (If They Want a Second One)

Dating isn't easy. If you tend to be nervous, it's easy to panic about saying or doing something stupid. Luckily, this article lists a few tips that will help you avoid common mistakes guys make on a first date. Chandler Bing said it best: "When I first meet somebody, it's usually panic, anxiety, and a great deal of sweating."

Health Improvements While Living the Vermont Lifestyle

Becoming Environmentally Conscious As you might have known, air pollution threatens the livelihood of both humans and the environment every day. According to the EPA, "680 to 1,700 premature deaths have resulted in heart or lung disease," which may be attributed to hazardous air pollutants linked to cancer.

The Most Powerful Person At Every Age

From Prince William and Kate Middleton's royal bundle of joy - third in line of succession to the British throne - to 98-year-old David Rockefeller, the oldest billionaire alive, it's evident that authority transcends shape, size, and age.Power is, in fact, relative to a person's capacity to enact change or direct the behavior of others when compared to his or her peer's ability to do the same.

What Your Sleeping Style Reveals About Your Relationship

Are you a creative person stuck in an unhappy relationship? Your preferred sleeping position may reveal the answers to these questions, and other secrets about your personality and relationship. In a survey, 1,000 people reported their preferred sleeping positions, and also gave information about their personalities and relationship quality.

Cute Ways to Celebrate Your Girlfriend's Birthday in a Long Distance Relationship

Celebrating important occasions together is a large part of every relationship. When you're in a long-distance relationship, however, you miss out on each other's physical company; and it can get particularly tough if you find yourself celebrating an important event like a birthday or anniversary apart.

10 Things Guys Really Do After a Breakup

By Frank Kobola for Cosmopolitan Guys might seemed unfazed by a breakup, but if you stare into their eyes, you'll see nothing but pain, longing and a desire to fill the void in their hearts with so many Big Macs.

Four Ways to a Happier Life

There's no universal recipe for becoming happier. We all want to be happy, and we all have our own personal definition for what that means. Some people are happy when they have someone to love besides themselves, while others can only be happy when they have enough money in the bank to buy the latest iPhone.

Ten Things You Should Do in the Morning to Make Your Day a Success

Ten Things You Should Do in the Morning to Make Your Day a Success Waking up can be brutal, especially if you're a night owl. However, if you develop a healthy routine, you'll experience a more productive morning, which will eventually lead to a less stressful, more successful day.

Ten Signs He Really Loves You - Shirlene Pickard's Knowledge Blog

You'll likely date a few men throughout your life. Some will rush to tell you they love you, while others will feel uncomfortable saying those words. If you're not sure how he really feels, it's time to place less significance on his words, and more on his actions.

Facebook Introduces New Way to Flirt With Relationship 'Ask' Button

If you've been eyeing someone on Facebook whose profile doesn't list a relationship status, the company is making it easier (or possibly more awkward) to find out if he or she's single. Facebook has rolled out a new "ask" feature for those profile pages that don't list relationship statuses.

Ten Important Life Lessons You Should Learn in Your Twenties

Your twenties are an extremely important decade of your life. Now is the time to take risks, and get to know yourself better. With a little luck, you'll even learn a few important lessons that will last you a lifetime. This article lists ten such lessons. Take a look.

How to Become a More Active Listener

Becoming an active listener is extremely important if you wish to improve your relationships with others. When you listen actively, you seem more likeable and trustworthy, because people tend to open up more easily when they feel like you're giving them your full attention.

Up the coast without an auto: My life with the Post-Car Travel Agency

A few years ago, I walked into an office, bike in tow, looking for a friend. The place was empty, except for a woman I had never seen before. She looked sort of like Nancy Drew, if Nancy Drew spent regular time behind an enormous computer monitor, rendering architectural plans.

Top 10 Water Parks for a Wet Hot American Summer

You can barely blink without breaking a sweat, and you can't even imagine wearing pants - the first heat wave of the year has officially arrived. Some beat the heat by blasting the AC, only moving when Netflix has the gall to ask if you're still watching.

Tips for Moving Back In With Your Parents

Tips for Moving Back In With Your Parents Moving back home with your parents after graduation doesn't have to be as demoralizing as today's twenty-somethings think it is. If you set some clear ground rules, you could actually end up enjoying the experience.

10 Ways to Celebrate Independence Day with Your Family | eHow

10 Ways to Celebrate Independence Day with Your Family. Tucked right in the heart of summer, the Fourth of July calls for a celebration of patriotism and brings to mind favorite summer traditions - barbecues, parades and firework shows. With little kids though, hitting up the parade, local fireworks ...

How to Tell You're Where You Should be In Your 20's by Pauline Neville on Lucky Community

Being in your twenties is pretty confusing, to say the least. You're trying to find your path in life and discover more about who you are, while simultaneously striving to advance your professional career. Check out this article for a few signs you're on the right track to success and a few tips that will help you get there in case you're not.

The real problem with mommy blogging

It's a sweet, endearing sort of picture: A toddler in underpants and bright yellow rain boots, raising her shirt to peer down at her protruding belly. She's innocent and carefree, fascinated by her body and its workings.

Your one-month plan to a closer, more loving relationship

You don't need to carve out time for a romantic getaway to refresh your marriage. Instead, try one of these small bonding secrets each day to give your love a big boost. Send him lexts (love texts) When we focus on something, we tend to see it show up more often.

  • Lydia Peters is a Huston-based freelance writer with over seven years of experience. She mostly covers technology, social media and finance, but doesn’t stay away from subjects like green business ...

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