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Updated by Emily Sandberg on Apr 02, 2014
Headline for Stinkin' Fun Twitter Accounts
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Stinkin' Fun Twitter Accounts

Twitter worth following.

i aint even Bill Nye (@Bill_Nye_tho)

PARODY ayyye i'm fake Bill Nye lmao

Chris (@ChribHibble)

Pathetic man-child, fervent salad-dodger and Atheist; if God was real, He wouldn't have made it possible to accidentally sit on your own ballbag.

braden graeber (@hipstermermaid)

Braden Graeber writes, builds and overthinks.

Sally Jessy Raphael (@SJRaphael)

The official Twitter account of Sally Jessy Raphael.
Watch my new webseries on!
For info contact:

Kevin Christy (@kevingchristy)

Comedian/Artist/MAN Instagram kevingchristy / Podcast: Occasionally Awesome on @allthingscomedy and iTunes:

Cher  (@cher)

Stand & B Counted or Sit & B Nothing.
Don't Litter,Chew Gum,Walk Past
Homeless PPL w/out Smile.DOESNT MATTER in 5 yrs IT DOESNT MATTER

christine teigen (@chrissyteigen)

Demotivational speaker / No cindy crawford / Aspiring magician

Sam Grittner (@SamGrittner)

WRITER. STAND-UP. GEISHA. *** *** I write @TonightonGIRLS *** Trying too hard not to try too hard

Mindy Kaling  (@mindykaling)

New Money. Instagram: mindykaling

name (@georgelazenby)

Overcast skies, spitting rain, diffuse blue-gray light—the pursuant dome of dramatic and self-reflective X-Files weather.

Erika Napoletano (@RedheadWriting)

Hash tag abuser in 10-step program because I can't commit to 12. Line crosser. TEDx talker ( Key lime pie. Nerd in a dress.

Emily Sandberg (@Emmalish)

Founder Supermodel Central. A site supporting young women and models.

Jason Sweeney (@sween)

limited edition, macaroni and glitter on construction paper.

Jesus Christ (@jesus)

Carpenter, Healer, God