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Updated by Listly Curator on Sep 04, 2017
Headline for Listagrams from Listly #10 - Media in Focus
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Listagrams from Listly #10 - Media in Focus

Here are five lists that caught our eye this week. If you enjoy them, share them. Share your new Listly lists on Twitter with hashtag #listagram. We might just include yours in our next edition!

The Best Marketing Conferences of 2014

We almost missed showcasing this great list of Marketing Events for 2014. With 184 helpers contributing and voting on 61 events, it's a great crowdsourced resource for everyone in marketing. List by Michael Brenner.

Google+ Basics Playlist

Want to get into Google Plus but don't know where to start? From setting up your profile to finding your friends and having hangouts, here's a good compilation of instructional Google+ videos by Frithjof Petscheleit.

Gyms in Lincoln

You maybe too far from Lincoln, UK to benefit from this list, but it's a great example of a local list crowdsourced from 100+ helpers by the digital newspaper, The Lincolnite. You can see the power of embedded Listly content here on the Lincolnite Website

The Must-Have Educational Apps List For Android

From editors at TeachThought, this is a collection of the must-have educational apps for Android, from learning simulations to organizing tools for project-based learning. A great Android Apps list by Terry Heick

70s and 80s Classic Kids TV Shows

The 70s and 80s were full of some of the grooviest, raddest and totally coolest shows ever to grace our radiation-filled boob tubes. This list is a celebration of the shows in no particular order. List by Ross Dunn