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Updated by Dave Roland on Mar 30, 2014
Headline for Exploring The Career and Accomplishments of Paul Mathieson
Dave Roland Dave Roland
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Exploring The Career and Accomplishments of Paul Mathieson

Exploring all of the accomplishments that Paul has made since graduating from Macquarie University in 2001.




Paul graduated from Bond University on Australia's Gold Cost in Januray of 1994. He acquired a bachelor's degree in Commerce, and his lifetime interest in finance had begun.

Soon after he would further his education at Macquarie University in Sydney. He would achieve his Masters of Applied Finance in 2000.


Employment HIstory

Employment HIstory

Shorty after his educational accomplishments, Paul sought out to start his career in finance the right way. That's why he immediately created his holding company Mathieson Enterprises Pty Ltd in 2001.

Then in 2005 he would go on to create IEG Holdings which became a loan provider, and eventually led to the creation of Mr. Amazing Loans. Both operate out of Las Vegas Nevada, and have offices in both the United States as well as Australia.