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Updated by Ron McIntyre on Mar 27, 2014
Ron McIntyre Ron McIntyre
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Attributes of Great Growing Leaders

This is a start of looking at attibutes of great growing leaders. Is there such a thing as a great leader? In my mind there are only great growing leaders. They know that the process in lifelong and critical.


Great growing leaders have faith!

Great growing leaders have faith!

How about you, what do you believe? The best leaders I know have a great faith. They aren't always right, and they don't have all the answers but they believe there is something greater than themselves driving them to higher goals. I am a Christian so I believe God will come through on His promises! However, I have known other great growing leaders with other faiths that have the same point of view. Faith allows us to focus on being the best we can be, knowing there is forgiveness in the universe.

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