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Updated by Wittegen Press on Apr 01, 2014
Headline for FB3X Drabble Cascade #54 - word of the week is "purple"
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FB3X Drabble Cascade #54 - word of the week is "purple"

Welcome to FB3X Drabble Cascade #54 (opened 25 March 2014). Be inspired by our word of the week, 'purple', and write us a 100 word piece, or a flash fiction, non-fiction, poetry, fanfiction. Then add yourself to our list. You can also embed this list into your own post using the embed functionality (the chain graphic).


Unequal Lovers (M/m, PG)

Word count: 100
Prompt: Purple

The weather is heated and unusual. A dream or something more.

Fantasy Boys XXX: FB3X Drabble Cascade #54 - OTT (PG, m/m romance) the love spell might have been a bit much!

Fic: Purple Clouds and Naked Women, Teen Wolf, Sterek pre-slash, PG13

Title: Purple Clouds and Naked Women Author: Beren Fandom: Teen Wolf Pairing: Stiles/Derek pre-slash Rating: PG13 Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Jeff Davis et al. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended....

Fantasy Boys XXX: FB3X Drabble Cascade #54 - intro post

Welcome to FB3X Drabble Cascade #54 - This week's word of the week is 'purple'. it's really very simple, be inspired by our word of the week and just write :).