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Updated by Parathista Ramal on Oct 01, 2014
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Banckle is a new communication and collaboration platform that is aimed at businesses, enterprises and developers. The aim of this cloud platform is to let every single member within any team connect with his colleagues, and carry out all the necessary operations for completing any task that is pending. Banckle provides its users with many features and capabilities such as online CRM, helpdesk platform, email solution etc.


Banckle - Collaborative & Social Apps

Banckle - Collaborative & Social Apps

Banckle offers FREE Collaborative & Social apps and APIs to cater market demand for communication, collaboration as well as customer support. You can save your time, money and traveling costs by instantly collaborating with your employees, customers and partners regardless of their location.

New Cloud API for Email & Newsletter Campaign Management by Banckle

Banckle has released new Cloud API for real-time email marketing and campaign delivery known as Banckle.Campaign for Cloud API. It enables developers to create, manage, send and track email and newsletter campaigns with ease. It gives developers complete freedom to develop and enhance the capabilities of your email marketing software.

Banckle Newsletter for April 2014 is out: Install Live Chat App from Google Apps Marketplace

Posted on April 1st, 2014 Monthly Newsletter April, 2014 Product News New: Banckle.Chat Cloud API Version 3.0 Released The new version of Banckle.Chat Cloud API includes some important upgrades and enhancements to further improve your usage experience. Create amazing applications for adding a cutting edge to your customer support functions with the new version of Banckle.Chat Cloud API.

Banckle has Updated Security Preferences after OpenSSL Issued Security Advisory

Posted on April 14th, 2014 Dear valued Banckle users, On 7 April, the OpenSSL project issued a Security Advisory notifying the public about a serious vulnerability in the encryption software used by a large majority of Internet services. At Banckle, we pride ourselves on security.

Access Offline Chat Messages & Block IPs for Live Chat Using Cloud APIs

Developers can create their own live chat application by using Banckle Cloud APIs for live chat and can enhance the experience of their website visitors and can also manage their chat sessions and offers many other features. You can develop RESTful API for live chat using any language: .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more.

Banckle Newsletter for May 2014 is out: Get Cloud API Code Examples for Creating Social Apps

Banckle Collaborator Newsletter for May 2014 has been released. You can now use Banckle.Helpdesk App from within Banckle.Chat App to create help tickets to keep track of all of your customer’s issues in one place. Banckle is now providing All Hands Unlimited Users Plans so that everyone in your organization will have the opportunity to use all of our products rather than just a few. You can also now view code examples for Banckle Cloud APIs in Banckle documentation section and get have an idea of how you can use cloud API functions in your own application.

How to Get Live Chat Visitors & Operators information in ASP.NET Using Cloud APIs

The new blog post from Banckle explains how .NET developers can get online and queued chat visitors information along with operators information using Banckle.Chat for Cloud API. Developers can embed this functionality in their own .NET application very easily by using Banckle Cloud API for live chat. Developers can also easily get all the information they needed using the code snippets provided in this post and can easily modify the VisitorsResponse class to get more detailed information e.g. City, State, Time Zone, Last Accessed time etc. as required.

Add Contact Form to a WordPress Website & Insert Lead Directly into Banckle.CRM

Banckle has released new CRM Plugin for WordPress websites. It enables users to capture contacts from within their website and generate leads which will go straight into your Banckle.CRM account so that you don’t have to copy paste the lead information and you will have no more missing leads now.

Allow Everyone in Your Organization to Perform Customer Engagement Tasks using Banckle

Banckle is introducing All Hands Unlimited Users Plan which will allow everyone in the organization to perform customer engagement tasks. This means that everyone from any level of the organization can use Banckle’s products to communicate with customers like take a live chat, answer a support ticket or respond to a sale at any time. Very soon Banckle will launch brand new range of product plans where cost will be based on single measurement of a product's use and will allow unlimited users to use Banckle Apps and APIs.

Use Banckle Help Desk Software to Capture Issues From Within Your WordPress Website

Banckle has released Help Desk plugin for WordPress websites which will now allow WordPress website owners to add ticket capture form on their websites which will help them to capture visitors’ queries and issues which will go straight to Banckle.Helpdesk account so that they will never miss query or an issue submitted by their user. You can easily insert ticket capture form in WordPress websites by using the widget that comes with the plugin.

Ruby Code Sample to Execute Mail Merge in Word Documents using Cloud API

Aspose Cloud API for MS Word allows developers to execute mail merge using Ruby. Developers can also generate important letters, reports, purchase orders, receipts, catalogs, inventories, and invoices from a template or XML in any language including .NET, Java, PHP, Ruby, Rails, Python, jQuery and many more. To execute mail merge, developers need to upload a template to Aspose for Cloud or any supported third party storage and then send a POST request (passing XML data in the request body) to generate documents based on template and data.

Banckle Newsletter for June 2014: 50% Off on New Sing Up or Upgrade to New Plans

Banckle Collaborator Newsletter for June 2014 has been released. Banckle has introduced new range of subscription plans for all of its products and has released plugin for Live Chat App for Chrome users, CRM and Help Desk plugin for WordPress websites and also CRM plugin for Microsoft Outlook 2010. Banckle soon will be releasing Help Desk and CRM plugin for Joomla Websites. Using Banckle CRM Plugin for Joomla, you can better manage your sales pipeline and with Help Desk plugin for Joomla, you will never miss customer issue and can create centralized repository of all issue tickets and provide rapid solutions to users.

Offline Live Chat Notifier Extension for Chrome by Banckle

Banckle has released offline chat message notifier for chrome users to receive notification of message they received while they are offline. This notifier allows chrome users to keep track of messages even when they are not active on Banckle live chat web app. It notifies them if there is any offline message on their website while they were offline. Chrome users can download Banckle.Chat Offline Notifier from Chrome Web Store.

MS Outlook Alternative – Offer 5 Free Custom Domain Support by Banckle Email

After Microsoft recently ended custom domain support for one of their primary free email services;, a large number of Microsoft Outlook users are now switching over to other free web-based email service alternatives like Banckle; that offers free 5 custom domain mailboxes to users. Banckle also provides a web email API allowing users to build up their own email applications and carry out all Outlook tasks. If you are running an online business, you can easily setup Banckle.Email as your back-end email server by configuring MX records of your website and you are good to go.

Send and Receive Email from your own Custom Domain using Banckle.Email App

Banckle has released the list of new features, improvements and bugs fixed during the month of July 2014 for all Banckle applications. This list includes WebRTC support for online meeting which will allow businesses to held their meetings and webinars in HTML5 environments, WebRTC cloud support for online meeting, sending device based invitation to website visitors in live chat, assigning icons to different departments in live chat app, Skype Click-to-Call feature in Banckle.Helpdesk App which will make it easy to call your customers or clients directly from helpdesk app and many other features, improvements and bug fixes have been done during last month.

Banckle Announces New Version of Live Chat Plugin for Wordpress

Banckle has announced the new version of live chat plugin for WordPress and makes it more powerful by adding new and enhanced features of Banckle cloud API for live chat in this plugin. This makes it very easy for users to setup live chat support on their websites.

Download latest version of live chat plugin for WordPress.

Capture User Queries from within Drupal Website Using Banckle Help Desk Software

Banckle has released Help Desk plugin for Drupal websites which will now allow Drupal website owners to add ticket capture form on their websites and will help them to capture visitors’ queries or issues which will go straight to Banckle.Helpdesk account so that they will never miss a query or an issue submitted by their user. It is very easy to insert ticket capture form in Drupal websites all you have to do is to create ticket capture form from your Banckle.Helpdesk account and copy widget code and insert it into your Drupal website using our module.

Add Contact Capture Form in Drupal Website using Banckle CRM Application

Banckle has released CRM Module for Drupal websites. It enables you to capture contacts from within your Drupal website and generate leads which will go straight into your Banckle.CRM account so that you don’t have to copy paste the lead information and you will have no more missing leads now.

Manage your Outlook Contacts in Banckle using CRM Plug-In for MS Outlook

Banckle CRM Plug-In for MS Outlook allows you to integrate and synchronize your Outlook contacts with Banckle CRM. This Plug-In also let you manage Outlook contacts without leaving Outlook using Sync Widget which you get after installing Plug-In.

Banckle Newsletter for July 2014: Banckle has released Helpdesk and CRM Plugin for Drupal Websites

Banckle Collaborator Newsletter for July 2014 has been released. Banckle.Email is offering a great emailing solution to ex-Outlook after Microsoft discontinued free custom domain for Banckle is allowing users to setup 5 email accounts without paying anything. Banckle has also improved Banckle.Chat by introducing more enhanced security measures like Data Encryption and Data Obfuscation. Banckle has also released Helpdesk and CRM plugins for Drupal websites and soon will be releasing Help Desk and CRM plugin for Joomla Websites. Banckle is also allowing users to export their Helpdesk contacts to CRM to turn potential clients into paying customers using Banckle in-app connection.

Banckle.Chat App Provides Secure Online Chat Service to your Website

As all Banckle customer service tools are hosted in cloud they provide high level of security to their users. Banckle.Chat App provides 256-bit data encryption to transmit information and also offers data obfuscation which means that user can cloak alpha and numeric information in a chat transcript. Banckle provides reliable and protected live chat app in the cloud and it also makes it most secure monitoring app also. Banckle provides you and your customer privacy during live chat using AES 256-bit encrypted HTTPS channels offering SSL security encryption.

Banckle has Improved Security Measures for Controlling Live Chat Sessions

After recently introducing Data Encryption and Data Obfuscation for live chat conversations, Banckle.Chat has now introduced an improved live chat structure with powerful privacy setting options which will allow website chat admin to apply strategies for restraining access to customer conversations. Banckle.Chat allows website admin to control which chat operators can access live customer conversations and how they can access it. There are four options for website admin to decide which user can access live conversation.

Live Chat Module for Drupal Websites by Banckle

Banckle.Chat offers an online customer support and live chat module for Drupal website owners to easily communicate with website visitors. It allows you to collaborate and get social with your customers on a personal level. Banckle live Chat module for Drupal is very easy to install and you can integrate this online chat module with your Drupal website by creating free account at Banckle. It provides an Admin Console which gives you complete control to perform important tasks, and using this console you can also monitor your website traffic.

Advanced Online Chat Plugin for WordPress Websites by Banckle

WordPress users can now add live chat support on their websites with Banckle live chat plugin for WordPress which provides them many salient features to help them getting social with their online visitors.You just need to sign up for FREE account to use this plugin.

Live Chat and Customer Support Plugin for Joomla CMS by Banckle

Joomla users can add live chat support on their websites using the latest Banckle live chat plugin for Joomla 3.0. It allows you not only to connect and communicate online with the website visitors to provide them world class customer support experience but also monitor your website’s traffic analytics in a more result-driven way.