Here is a list of some companies that are using or have anounced that they will be adopting Holacracy as the primary leadership model for their companies. Feel free to add others that you may be aware of in the world.
Value utilizes Holacracy for govenance!
Valve, a 400 person game software developing company has used holacracy for some time now.
Zappos Announces it will be using Holacracy
This was announced in November of 2013. Zappos had chosen to follow Holacracy as their prefered form of management.
Treehouse adopts Holacracy!
In June, 2013, Treehouse, a 60 person web development training company, adopted holacracy for it's management style. They got rid of all the managers.
WL Gore has utilized Holacracy for some time.
WL Gore, a multibillion dollar manufacturing company of Goretex has been using a holacratic form of management for sometime. The do this inspite of having more than 10,000 employees.
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