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Updated by Gail Zahtz on Jul 12, 2017
Headline for Baby Boomer Resources
Gail Zahtz Gail Zahtz
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Baby Boomer Resources

Websites, apps, lists, blogs, resources and more for and about Baby Boomers.

50 and Beyond

50 and beyond is a site for "simplifying the lives of Baby Boomers and Seniors." A New Jersey based publication, the site includes health and wellness, financial and legal, home and design, lifestyle, novelty news, resources and ask the expert.




One of the largest membership organizations in the United States, with a tremendous amount of resources and connections, AARP has been working hard to re-invent itself to be relevant to the Boomer generation. For years, they have always been the voice of leading positive social change and delivering value to people age 50 and over through information, advocacy and service. Through events, publications, discounts, separate sites by topic, they are working hard o provide something for everyone over 50 including Health, Travel Deals, Baby Boomers, Over 50, Online Games, Retirement Plans and more. Go and judge for yourself where there is a place for you within this large organization's offerings.

A Boomers Life After 50 - A Baby Boomer Woman's Life After 50

A Baby Boomer Woman's Life After 50. Judy Freedman, a fifty-something female baby boomer created this blog targeted to the millions of baby boomer women (born between 1945 – 1964) who are going through a similar life journey in mind, body and spirit. Widowed at the age of 50, and blogging for the past seven years since, she is "learning to reinvent myself". Her philosophy is to age gracefully, be optimistic about the future, and "keep my chin up…so my neck stays forever wrinkle-free."

Topic areas focus on:

  • Beauty and fashion
  • Health and Wellness
  • Travel and Leisures
  • Giveaways
  • A Blogroll
Act Two Magazine -

The website for the magazine, Act Two, the focus is on " Living the second half of life" Act Two Magazine provides informative, empowering, provocative, and entertaining editorial about people, places, events and issues of special interest to over-age-50 readers. Sections include entertainment, health, style, sports, finance, opinions, travel and technology. There is also an active group of bloggers who publish regularly on the site.

ACT TWO® was launched in 2012 to inform, empower and entertain those in the second half of life. ACT TWO® provides readers with intelligent and substantial content, always written to be of special interest to those in their ACT TWO®.

When is ACT TWO? "It’s a stage of life, not an age. It’s a time of career, financial, and family freedom. A time to indulge in all that was put on the back burner for years. A time to be active and enjoy. A time for new beginnings. It might begin when the kids leave home, or at retirement or when a life event occurs. It can be whenever you want it to be."

New articles appear daily in the regular departments of food, finance, health, technology, style, entertainment, sports, travel, book and film reviews, and more.

ACT TWO® began as both a print and online publication serving the Connecticut area. It evolved to become an online publication with a global audience and a publisher of beautiful corporate – sponsored print editions.

Aging Hipsters

The Baby Boomer Generation ( is the source for trends, research, comment and discussion of the generation from 1946 - 1964. Includes 60's and 70's music, culture, politics, humor, health and issues for Baby Boomers including Trends, Research, Discussion, Comment for Baby Boomers. If you look at their very lengthy "resources" (mostly Boomer written blogs with some statistics-type sites thrown in) you'll see the heart of who they are- Baby Boomers loving life today- Haight-Ashbury style! The Baby Boomer Generation is a source for trends, research, comment and discussion of and by people born from 1946 - 1964. Covering issues on the Boomer Generation including original content for Boomers, bulletin boards, user comments, Sixties and Seventies music, Baby Boomer culture, health and coverage of issues for "Aging Hipsters."

Please note: last update in 2013

Baby Boomer HeadQuarters: WWW.BBHQ.COM -- THE site for the Boomer Generation

Baby Boomer Generation: Stories, pictures, trivia, music, books, news events, song lyrics, a customized Time Capsule Report, and memories of the baby boomer generation: the 50s, 60s, and 70s. Lyrics to over 750 boomer songs;

Baby Boomer Places

Travel, lifestyle, healthcare, retirement communities, jobs, exercise and more for Baby Boomers.

A new site this year, Baby Boomer wants to be a stylish new resource, designed to open your mind, challenge your friends, and feel good. For our readers, there are no rocking chairs in their future - they prefer pilates, hiking, biking, volunteering, wine clubs, book clubs, university classes, telecommuting, yoga, golf, tennis, dating and plenty of social activities. Our readers are grabbing their iPhones and tablets, keeping in touch with gadgets and scheduling out their week. Whether it's a 55 + community, country club or condo, our Baby Boomers will make the best of it, driving their Corvette, traveling to Europe and keeping in touch on Skype!

Everything Bommers: From Health, Relationships and Self-discovery to Fashion, Design, Books and Food from around the world.

Baby Boomer Today

Baby Boomer Today is a lifestyle magazine for "the generation which changed the world." They provide news, tips, discounts, and advise for Baby Boomers. Per google analytics, the site gets 100,000 users a month who view 2.75 pages per month each.

Baby Boomster

Travel, wellness, longevity, entertainment, beauty, lifestyle, recipes and living well for fabulous and active Baby Boomer women over 50.


Blog by a boomer for other boomers from Baby Boomers in the news to nostalgia and more.
#babyboomerblog | Vibrant Boomer Women

Home, health, travel, fashion, love and relationships for Baby Boomers by Baby Boomers. If you want the real scoop- this is the site to use.

Boomer Living

A Boomer community with color coded categories that have their own pages under the redstring network of social communities umbrella. The Red String network has not been updated since 2014. The dates do not show on articles from Boomer Living, so it's difficult to see how active this community is in fact. There are some good articles, but many categories have only a few articles in it. In brief- a good site to look at, and worth looking towards, but we are unsure of how actively maintained it is.

Boomer Luxe

Celebrate yourself, your Mother, your wife or BFF. The only subscription box for Baby Boomer women. Enjoy an age appropriate beauty, wellness & fashion box. Monthly Box of Beauty, Wellness & Fashion for Women 50+

Boomer Magazine

Boomer Magazine, from Ross Publishing is a regional life and style magazine written by Boomers and for Boomers.

BoomerSmarts Wisdom | Mitzi Beach

Based on the book and wisdom of Mitzi Beach, author and speaker on Boomer Smarts.

Boomer to Boomer Online

Welcome to! Having the information to make informed decisions, learning how to take care of yourself in the role of caregiver and learning through the experiences of others are all essential tools for meeting the mental, physical and emotional demands of caring for an aging parent. A People's Chocie winner for best overall resource for Baby Boomers. - The Number 1 Resource for Baby Boomer Women on the Web with Forums, Articles, and Resources fo... is the premier online resource for Baby Boomer Women and Women in Midlife. Visit our Forums and join the conversation with thousands of other Women.

Booming Your Bottom Line

Podcast and Facebook community for small business owners that serve the aging Baby Boomers is now also a training, coaching and consulting company to help businesses meet the needs of Baby Boomers. Created by architect and long term Universal Design specialist, Aaron Murphy and partner Mark Hager, this is where companies can go to learn personally how to reach the ever growing Boomer Market.

Boomvana Store

Body Cleanse, Nourish, Exercise Equipment, Teas, Supplements, Books, Furniture; Everything for Boomers and Those Who Love Them - BOOMVANA.

"Yes Boomers DID save the world. With the U.S. population reaching over 75 MILLION Baby Boomers, Boomvana was founded on the belief that, by helping and improving the lives of the our quickly growing active, engaged community of Baby Boomers and those who love them, we can add something to our lives. We will offer information and educational items free of charge for the worldwide Boomer community to use and enjoy. And we will always offer a wide variety of products which range from daily needs for Yoga, fitness exercise, health, beauty, learning to furniture and furnishings matching our baby boomer modern lifestyles. Join us as kindred spirits as we make this most enjoyable time of our lives truly our GOLDEN YEARS in every way."

Can Baby Boomers hit hard by the economy still retire, even on a fixed or limited income? Even on Social Security alo...

Baby Boomers on a tight budget - Afraid you can't retire? Yes, you can! Tips and information for Baby Boomers hurt by the economy and retiring on a limited budget. The site is an dedicated to helping 50-plus baby Boomers who were hit hard by the Great Recession, providing information, tips, advice and free resources.

Design With the Future In Mind

Alesha E. Churba, CAPS, CD, she is widely known in interior design circles as an expert in "Aging in Place" design. With a large group of guest bloggers, she shares her expertise on interior design for Boomers. In other hats she is a Professional Technical Educator, Program Coordinator at Idaho State University. Alesha is a passionate Aging in Place Specialist writing, speaking & sharing safety and comfort ideas for the home.

Destination Boomers

Life is a sensory experience, and it comes at us, but once, so we damn well better pay attention. says Deb, the creator or @DesignationBoom. She says that Destination Boomers covers the prism of life after 45 - TOPICS, ranging from A-Z - with a Kaleidoscopic view - that YOU make shine.

Also from the website: Why not share it with all its pleasures, frustrations, sights, sounds and ideas? We all have insights and viewpoints. Whether we’re 45+ or not, let’s continue to make a difference! Learning as we go, isn’t that what life is?
At one time, I also owned and operated a store called – AMBER WAVES ANTIQUES – in Pinetop, AZ. It was one of the most satisfying endeavors ever. The creativity of finding that something special, in Tulsa OK or Omaha, NE, was FUN!
But, back to why it all comes down to – why not? As we get past 40 life, it’s priorities and focus changes drastically.
There’s an absolute peace as we get past fifty and an acceptance of who we are and what we want.
Here’s hoping you enjoy the content and conversation and retweet it to your friends and enjoy coming back!
Here’s to safe travels and unexpected moments of happiness,


Shop ELDERLUXE for luxury walking canes, aids to daily living and gifts for seniors and their family and caregivers. This is a beautiful site that shows that just because something is necessary doesn't mean it shouldn't be beautiful and fabulous! Walking canes, mobility aids, bath safety, senior fitness and gifts for senior adults and more...

The ELDERLUXE® Mission

ELDERLUXE will promote every person's ability to Age Well© in all of their daily life's activities. Our mission is to seek, find, and develop solutions for an active, optimistic, healthy and dynamic lifestyle. We believe everyone's potential to live more wholly depends upon remaining active: physically, mentally, and spiritually. Our products, services, and solutions will strive to optimize that activity to our customer's optimal satisfaction.

Personal Concierge

One of the "stand out" features of this site is their approach to customer service with their "Personal Conceierge" You can find more information on different ways of getting personal help, something too frequently missing online, at The Conceirge Service enables buyers to shop and learn about information the way they want to, so you can get specific product information, specifications or products that you'd like help finding via email or phone!

They even have a how to order list for those doing so online without the phone:

  • Find the items that interest you by browsing the Online Navigation on the left or above the top of our home page, or by using our search feature found on the top and right of each page.
  • Fill in the quantity for those items, any size or color preference, if offered, and click "Add to Shopping Basket."
  • After you choose all the items you want, go to the Shopping Basket, and click "Submit Order ."
  • On the Register / Login page, you can register by providing your shipping & billing information.
  • If you already have an account with ELDERLUXE, you can login to My Account to use your available account features including your saved wish list and pre-entered shipping & billing information. If you have forgotten your User Name and Password, you can retrieve your password online.
  • You may also check the Concierge or Contact Us pages for additional help.

HIstory: is an award-winning retail enterprise conceived and founded by Patrick Conboy. Challenged with finding products suitable for his aging parents during the 1990's, Mr. Conboy traveled the world discovering the newest innovations that might comfort all those struggling with various age-related issues. He founded ELDERLUXE in 2004, and began selling his luxury collection in January 2007. His collection includes designer walking canes for men and women to the very best in personal care products and bath safety for the home to luxury gifts to products for caregivers.


Eldersense is the best place on the web for Care Seekers and Caregivers to Meet. Our community is dedicated to bringing together caregivers with those who need help caring for an elderly loved one.

  • Stay tuned as we merge our numerous multi-media properties into Living Labs. Lists will be one foundation of the thousands of curated resources, products and services offered for Baby Boomers, pa...

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