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Updated by M Jesús García San Martín on Dec 14, 2021
Headline for Digital Literacy
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Digital Literacy

A list of resources to foster Digital Literacy for Primary Bilingual Education.

EasyBib: The Free Automatic Bibliography Composer

Automatic works cited and bibliography formatting for MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian citation styles. Now supports 7th edition of MLA.

The Key to Creative Classrooms

Through awareness, empowerment, practice, and methodology, teachers and parents can enhance their own creative skills as a way to begin modeling creativity for their children.


Think up and give out a Mailinator address any time you need an email address but don't want to get spammed!

Don't want to give them your real email? Use a temporary email. No registration, lasts 60 mins. Protection from Spam

Video Toolbox: A Good iPad App for Blurring Student Faces (when needed)

It's important to obtain parent and student permission before publishing photos or videos online. Of the 610 fourth and fifth graders currently at my elementary school, only 10 parents have requested that their child's photo NOT be published online. Our secretary is able to run a report directly from PowerSchool and provide that list to teachers.

Purdue OWL: Avoiding Plagiarism

There are few intellectual offenses more serious than plagiarism in academic and professional contexts. This resource offers advice on how to avoid plagiarism in your work.




Welcome to, your source of information on plagiarism and best practices for ensuring originality in written work.

Copyscape is a free plagiarism checker. The software lets you detect duplicate content and check if your articles are original.

This is a free service designed to monitor your RSS feed and find where your content has been republished in the blogosphere. We automatically notify you when a new post of yours is copied to another feed, we also build an overview page you can view to see how/when/where your content is being duplicated, quoted or plagiarized.

Accurate Fast Free Simple Collusion and Plagiarism Detection

Check your grammar right from your browser or Microsoft Office. Improve your writing in emails, documents, social media posts, messages, and more.

Plagiarism Checker Online |

PlagiarismDetect is an online plagiarism checker which helps students, teachers, writers, bloggers or webmasters to check texts for plagiarism. Information is valuable only as long as it is unique!

NEW! Upgraded and more accurate plagiarism detection. Learn more.

Classroom Posters and Resources for Teaching Students about Digital Citizenship ~ Educational Technology and Mobile L...

August 13, 2014 After posting about the iPad apps you should try in the first week of this new school year and after learning about the 26 questions students should be able to answer during this week, now comes the turn to talk to your students about digital citizenship, a concept of high importance for students overall development as good citizens.

Can I Use that Picture?

Knowing the copyright laws for using images can be a bit tricky. Follow this series of questions to know if you can use a picture for your purposes or

Website at

Home | User guide | API documentation | Fonts & graphics | Privacy | Feedback | FAQ An open-access image creator from MyKnowledgeMap to support all of your Open Badge building needs. Mozilla Open Badges?

Introducing Issuu Clip

As our industry evolves and becomes more innovative, the publishers who thrive are the ones who find new ways to engage readers and distribute content by adopting new technologies. At Issuu, we are helping publishers embrace the industry's continuing evolution with the launch of our new product, Clip.

6 excelentes tipos de Twitter Cards para aprovechar en perfiles de negocios

Las Twitter Cards no son más que un manojo de etiquetas que cualquiera puede usar en el código fuente de sus sitios web para que Twitter, de manera automática, reconozca el diferente tipo de contenido publicado (imágenes, galerías, videos, apps, productos, etc.)

Website at is a free web app to create custom cartoon avatar and profile picture.


ClassBadges is a free online tool where teachers can award badges to students for accomplishments or academic mastery. Through your teacher account, you can award badges customized for your classroom or school. Badges can easily be aligned to academic goals or associated with existing school awards.

Home - eSafety label

Is your school on track with eSafety? Assess your infrastructure, policy and practice and get your personalised action plan now.

Free Plagiarism Checker Online - Plagiarisma.Net

How not to plagiarize in articles? Use our free anti plagiat software before Turnitin. Plagerism detection for students, teachers, scholars, educators, essayists, writers. Check your essay for duplicate content in google, yahoo, babylon, scholar, books.

Not Being a Troll Isn't Enough: A Handbook to Being a Model Internet Citizen

The internet gives us all a platform to make our voices heard. That's incredibly powerful, but with that power comes responsibility. That's right, like any citizenship, your internet privileges carry with them responsibilities. "But I'm no troll," you say. That's not enough; there's more to being an upstanding citizen of the internet than just not trolling.


Cyberbullying is the use of technology to harass, threaten, embarrass or target another person. Here are some suggestions on what to do if online bullying has become part of your child's life.