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Updated by Fusion 360 on Mar 11, 2014
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What Not To Do While Driving

There are a lot of annoying drivers. It’s too bad there isn’t an IQ test associated with issuing driver’s licenses to the public. You hear people complaining that Utah has some of the worst drivers in the nation, but other states don’t escape that label, either. While you can run into (quite literally) irritating commuters in any state, you’re stuck dealing with the ones on your local highway on a daily basis. These frustrating human habits are leading the causes for auto accidents.


Improper turn signals

Improper turn signals

This includes not using the turn signal. You know you love it when the vehicle in front of you all of the sudden slams on their brakes for a hard right turn; no prior warning necessary. If you’re lucky, you avoided the auto accident. If you didn’t, call your accident attorney.




You could be the car riding the bumper of the car in front of you, or you may be the incredibly slow driver of the car getting your tail lights kissed by the vehicle behind you. Either way, you are at risk for an auto accident. Both habits are bothersome.


Snubbing the speed limit

Snubbing the speed limit

Again, this can go two ways. Some cars like to flaunt their ability to cruise at snail-like speeds in the fast lane, while others zoom by in a school zone as if they’re competing in the Indie 500. Don’t be one of these fools and cause an auto accident. Traffic laws are to be abided — by everyone. That includes you.


Using your cell phone

Using your cell phone

And, voila! Utah’s auto accident cases have spiked to alarming numbers due to cell phone usage. That text can wait. And nobody on Facebook will care if you post that picture of your Starbucks “coffeeeeeeeeeeeee #caffeincraze.”


Putting on makeup

Putting on makeup

Ladies — and gentlemen suffering from irrefutable denial. Do not attempt to apply your fake face while en route. The other Utah citizens don’t want to die today because of your zit-zapping, mascara managing, rearview mirror duck face.


Red and green stop/go idiots

Red and green stop/go idiots

Here’s an auto accident for you: the people who have forgotten how a four-way-stop works. When traffic lights malfunction, it is up to the intelligence of drivers to figure out how to stop and go functionally. Harder than it seems.


Throwing objects out your window

Throwing objects out your window

Whether it is trash or a cigarette stub, or maybe an illegitimate child, the cars behind you won’t want to worry about dodging your baggage to deflect an auto accident.


Drunk Drivers

Drunk Drivers

Yes, they even exist in Utah. Lots of them. On or around holidays, after 11 p.m. on week nights, and basically any given time throughout the weekend, drunk driving has become a problem everywhere. It is a free-for-all when folks decide to traverse tipsy. You can get into a serious accident, not to mention kill someone else, when you get behind the wheel buzzed. Don’t risk it. Call a cab — before you need to call an attorney.

  • Fusion 360 is a group of writers and marketers in Salt Lake City providing content for local businesses.

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