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Updated by North Navarre on Mar 08, 2014
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Corliss Group Home Institute: Jobs in Demand for 2014

While it might not quite be time to pop the bubbly, there's reason to believe that hiring in several key industries will be on the upswing in the first few months of the new year.

The latest Manpower Employment Outlook Survey indicates growing optimism among U.S. employers. Of more than 18,000 surveyed, 17 percent anticipated raising staff levels in their first-quarter hiring — the best outlook in six years.

Job hunting? See top jobs in demand for employers hiring in 2014 - AARP

Looking at older workers, the November unemployment rate for those age 55 and older fell to 4.9 percent, down sharply from October's 5.4 percent. The rate fell both for older women and older men. "Fewer workers were unemployed, employed part time for economic reasons or discouraged about their job prospects," Rix says.

The Corliss Institute, Inc. - Employment Assistance

It should be noted that Corliss does not fund, offer or support Sheltered Workshop 'employment', and that any 'work crews' developed through agency projects are in the nature of training and skills acquisition only: our goals are for real jobs for real pay in integrated settings.

The Corliss Group Home Agency on Employment Assistance

Source: Our expanded Employment Service Program provides members with training in work habits, filling out applications, using public transportation, and the nuts and bolts of work habits. A frequent issue for many is that of interpersonal relations on the job and how to handle changes in co-workers or supervisors.