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Updated by Bryan Kramer on Oct 10, 2017
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Bryan Kramer Bryan Kramer
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#H2H Mention List

Is there really no more B2B or B2C and only Human to Human (H2H)?

Unless you've been living under a rock, or offline, you will probably have seen this in one of your social media feeds and read about it. (It's still very much doing the rounds on Linkedin.)

There Is Only Human to Human | Social Media Today

Bryan Kramer It used to be that marketing was segmented into two categories; business-to-business (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C). This was done (I assume), to separate specialties, audiences and segments in an effort to more highly target the groups of people who ultimately would consume a brand's message.

#H2H: It's Time to Think Like a Human Marketer

Thank goodness for Bryan Kramer. Without him, the top-selling " There is No B2B or B2C: It's Human to Human: #H2H" book would not exist. The 60-page #H2H book quickly but brilliantly simplifies the complex and brings an important business topic front and center. Human to human connections are a must for today's brands.

From The Bookshelf: There Is No B2B Or B2C: It's Human To Human #H2H

If you are a long time reader of {Web.Search.Social}, you'll remember that we used to publish a book review every month. Some time last year, we stopped. Mostly because of all article types, book reviews were the least trafficked and least commented on as a whole. So we decided: no more books reviews.

The Human-to-Human Double Standard

What happened to the sympathetic customer? Did they ever really exist? Isn't it time for us to be better, fair consumers?

Disruption In Publishing: Little Business Books, Big Ideas

The real disruption for publishing is not the onslaught of self-published works in the marketplace; the real change is the consumers demand for short, more direct publications. Our attentions spans have shortened and this change is impact authors and publishers alike. Since 1999, the best selling business books have shrunk by [...]

Human to Human

Cher Vincent, cher Pierre, merci pour cette discussion très ouverte et très intéressante sur la pénétration de twitter en entreprise, et sur les enjeux et problématiques associés: ouverture vers le monde extérieur, démocratisation de la communication, empowerement des employés à tous les niveaux, inclusion dans la stratégie générale...

Want To Be A Successful Brand? Read Bryan Kramer's #H2H eBook

Want To Be A Successful Brand? Read Bryan Kramer's #H2H eBook Small Business Advice, Social Sharing, Where is your Focus? The marketing of brands and businesses has shifted into the new world media realm of social sharing. But simply using a hashtag with updates, news, and information is not enough to create a lasting, and valuable relationship with your customers.

A Return to Simplicity, Empathy and Imperfection in Communication: Human to Human #H2H

Guest post by Bryan Kramer, author of the new ebook, "There is no B2B or B2C: Human to Human" and CEO of PureMatter Marketing has become so complex, in segmenting audiences into "B2B" (business to business) and "B2C" (business to consumer).

A Return To Simplicity, Empathy And Imperfection In Communication: Human To Human #H2H

Marketing has become so complex in segmenting audiences into "B2B" (business to business) and "B2C" (business to consumer). Being here in Silicon Valley, surrounded by titans of technology like Google, Facebook, Cisco, Twitter, LinkedIn and eBay to name a few, this guest author has observed a downhill slope of complexity in marketing communication.

Social Media is Human-to-Human (H2H)

In the age of the internet and ubiquitous global communication, marketers need to get to know their audiences inside and out so that they can speak in ways that their audiences understand and can relate to.

H2H Human to Human: A Return to Simplicity, Empathy and Imperfection in Communication

Contributed H2H Human to Human: A Return to Simplicity, Empathy and Imperfection in Communication Guest Author Guest post by Bryan Kramer, author of the new ebook, "There is no B2B or B2C: Human to Human" and CEO of PureMatter Marketing has become so complex, in segmenting audiences into "B2B" (business to business) and "B2C" (business to consumer).

Hashtag - #H2H

A very #H2H interview w/ @bryankramer and @fearlesscomp made simple #marketing #socialmedia

Emotional Stories Exists in Every B2B Company (finding them is the challenge)

Brands from every B2B and B2C industry sector have embraced the power of storytelling - whether it be branded storytelling or "true" storytelling - in their efforts to stand out and make a human connection with their audiences. Public relations and advertising agencies, and viral digital firms everywhere, talk about the power of storytelling throughout their websites ...

Want Clients For Life? Stop Trying To Solve The Personality Puzzle And Just Be Human

Personality tests are commonly used by many businesses to improve interactions in the workplace and enhance communication with consumers. Learning how to identify and understand the personalities of your customers could potentially increase your bottom line.

The world's best CMO conversations

In his new e-book There is No B2B or B2C: It's Human to Human: #H2H my good friend Bryan Kramer gives some wise advice to brands: "I don't care what language you speak, who your brand is or what message you're trying to send, we all need to speak more human."

#H2H - Human to Human | Hotel Marketing Strategies

via @BryanKramer - @PureMatter #H2H by @bryankramer

When writing about a social media personality as Bryan Kramer it make sense to have a headline with a Twitter feeling. It started when I got an tweet from my friend @Kunal_Kemist in witch he sent me a link to an article by Bryan: There Is No More B2B or B2C: There Is Only Human to Human (H2H), article by Bryan Kramer It is an interesting article.

The Rules on How to Speak Human

I don't care what language you speak, who your brand is or what message you're trying to send, we all need to speak more human ( tweet this). Often enough we complicate what we're trying to say.

Whether B2B or B2C, it's all about H2H

An article from Social Media Today inspired this blog post, focusing on the separation and differentiation between B2B and B2C marketing. Why the segmentation? To distinguish a different type of customer, to promote a speciality or product and thus, the brand message is tailored and targeted to suit each audience in a specific way.

Bryan Kramer Interview

Bryan Kramer, President & CEO of PureMatter, joined Robin Carey to talk about how social is shaking up the ways we do business. In his book, "There is No B2B or B2C: It's Human to Human: #H2H" (, Bryan gives marketers the keys on how to speak human to explain the complex in its simplest form.

Your Brand: From the Tin Man to the Lion with a Heart

I recently had the pleasure of attending the Brand Innovators Consumer Engagement Summit at Bloomberg West in San Francisco. The stage was filled with Silicon Valley's finest marketers from Adobe, Clorox, Lyft, Monster Products, Salesforce, and Tapsense.

Learning to speak "Human" #H2H | Ted Rubin

In his new e-book There is No B2B or B2C: It's Human to Human: #H2H my good friend Bryan Kramer gives some wise advice to brands: "I don't care what language you speak, who your brand is or what message you're trying to send, we all need to speak more human."

Speak Human to Me: Bryan Kramer's Human to Human #H2H

I spent last week devouring Human to Human #H2H, the new book by my good friend, Bryan Kramer. It's a short, easy read - roughly 90 pages on my iPad, complete with embedded videos and plenty of nice graphics. It's also brilliant and on point.

Brett Siler

As a Business Consultant and Business Owner his role is to work closely with companies and clients developing sales teams for, not only his company, as well as others he consults. He is a field expert when it comes to sales and plays a part in developing new teams for companies in leadership and management.