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Updated by Daniela Lyra on Jun 07, 2014
Daniela Lyra Daniela Lyra
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apps to explore in class

here goes a list of apps to explore in class


TED books

TED books


Grammar Girl App

Get Grammar Girl delivered right to your iPhone or iPad each week without any ads
or announcements – just great tips to help you write more intelligently and
effectively. You will also get updates about upcoming events…

*Get instant access to the show
*Get wallpaper (fun photos of signs gone wrong)
*Follow the show's Twitter feed
*E-mail the show
*Favorite and download episodes
*Get notified about upcoming events
*Get free book excerpts when they are available

The Grammar Girl show has been in the iTunes top 100 for three years, and
Grammar Girl has written a New York Times best-seller and appeared on the
Oprah Winfrey Show. Now get this award-winning content directly on your
iPhone or iPad.

(Please note, not all features are available for all episodes)

Grammar Girl App

Get Grammar Girl delivered right to your iPhone or iPad each week without any ads
or announcements – just great tips to help you write more intelligently and
effectively. You will also get updates about upcoming events…

*Get instant access to the show
*Get wallpaper (fun photos of signs gone wrong)
*Follow the show's Twitter feed
*E-mail the show
*Favorite and download episodes
*Get notified about upcoming events
*Get free book excerpts when they are available

The Grammar Girl show has been in the iTunes top 100 for three years, and
Grammar Girl has written a New York Times best-seller and appeared on the
Oprah Winfrey Show. Now get this award-winning content directly on your
iPhone or iPad.

(Please note, not all features are available for all episodes)

Grammar Girl App

Get Grammar Girl delivered right to your iPhone or iPad each week without any ads
or announcements – just great tips to help you write more intelligently and
effectively. You will also get updates about upcoming events…

*Get instant access to the show
*Get wallpaper (fun photos of signs gone wrong)
*Follow the show's Twitter feed
*E-mail the show
*Favorite and download episodes
*Get notified about upcoming events
*Get free book excerpts when they are available

The Grammar Girl show has been in the iTunes top 100 for three years, and
Grammar Girl has written a New York Times best-seller and appeared on the
Oprah Winfrey Show. Now get this award-winning content directly on your
iPhone or iPad.

(Please note, not all features are available for all episodes)

Louvre HD

Get Grammar Girl delivered right to your iPhone or iPad each week without any ads
or announcements – just great tips to help you write more intelligently and
effectively. You will also get updates about upcoming events…

*Get instant access to the show
*Get wallpaper (fun photos of signs gone wrong)
*Follow the show's Twitter feed
*E-mail the show
*Favorite and download episodes
*Get notified about upcoming events
*Get free book excerpts when they are available

The Grammar Girl show has been in the iTunes top 100 for three years, and
Grammar Girl has written a New York Times best-seller and appeared on the
Oprah Winfrey Show. Now get this award-winning content directly on your
iPhone or iPad.

(Please note, not all features are available for all episodes)

Louvre HD

Get Grammar Girl delivered right to your iPhone or iPad each week without any ads
or announcements – just great tips to help you write more intelligently and
effectively. You will also get updates about upcoming events…

*Get instant access to the show
*Get wallpaper (fun photos of signs gone wrong)
*Follow the show's Twitter feed
*E-mail the show
*Favorite and download episodes
*Get notified about upcoming events
*Get free book excerpts when they are available

The Grammar Girl show has been in the iTunes top 100 for three years, and
Grammar Girl has written a New York Times best-seller and appeared on the
Oprah Winfrey Show. Now get this award-winning content directly on your
iPhone or iPad.

(Please note, not all features are available for all episodes)