Here is a list with the social media I use. You can add your suggestions! Thank you!
Welcome to the world's biggest collection of everybody's favorite things. Discover ideas for any project or interest, hand-picked by people like you.
Take a picture or video, choose a filter to transform its look and feel, then post to Instagram - it's that easy. You can even share to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and more. It's a new way to see the world.
SlideShare is the world's largest community for sharing presentations. Discover great content and connect with like-minded individuals.
TubeMogul is the leading enterprise software platform for digital branding.
Edmodo provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. Our goal is to help educators harness the power of social media to customize the classroom for each and every learner
Use engaging videos on TED-Ed to create customized lessons. You can use, tweak, or completely redo any lesson featured on TED-Ed, or create lessons from scratch based on any video from YouTube.
Vimeo is the home for high-quality videos and the people who love them.
Start a WordPress blog or create a free website in seconds. Choose from over 200 free, customizable themes. Free support from awesome humans.
All the resources you need to know about teacher videos, math, art, educational videos, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more. We provide it all for FREE. Watch, read and learn more about education content, Common Core, Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills TEKS.
Facebook is a social utility that connects people with friends and others who work, study and live around them. People use Facebook to keep up with friends, upload an unlimited number of photos, post links and videos, and learn more about the people they meet.
EDU 2.0 is a state-of-the-art cloud-hosted Learning Management System (LMS). It's the free, easy way to teach and learn online.
Get free education blogs at Edublogs
SlideTalk - turn your presentations into engaging talking videos