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Updated by Everett Program on Aug 28, 2014
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Link Roundup 2/27

New Financing Models Bring Greener Products to Developing Countries - Blog | SustainAbility

New Financing Models Bring Greener Products to Developing Countries Rice paddies and colorful tractors are common sights in remote parts of south India. So, too, are small shanties, brightly painted shops and coconut palms. But nowadays, in some villages, solar panels have also become part of the landscape, covering shingled roofs and competing with the palms for sunlight.

Link Roundup 2/26

Listly List - Link Roundup 2/26 - Answers to 10 Email Marketing Questions You Were Too Afraid to Ask, Vodafone Foundation launches mobile network in a backpack to support aid work, Crowdfunding Campaign Tool Helps Amplify Outreach with Social Data, 11 Responsively Designed Nonprofit Websites to Study and Learn From,

Model Behavior - Library | SustainAbility

The idea of business model innovation - that a company could launch a new business model never conceived of before, or transform an existing business model - has long captivated business leaders. Yet, executives are often held back by vested interests in their current approach: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."

How to Generate Around-the-Clock Content for Your Social Media

Guest post by Dean Olsen. ------ The internet never sleeps. Tiny sections of it may take an hour or two a week for routine maintenance, but for the most part, any presence generated there is available all day, every day, waiting for someone to access it.

UNICEF says Facebook 'likes' won't save children's lives

UNICEF has launched a bold advertising campaign that takes direct aim at perhaps the most ubiquitous form of online activism - the Facebook "like." Late last month, UNICEF Sweden released three commercials that urge viewers to support humanitarian aid not through posts or shares on social media, but monetary donations.

Enews 911: Five Mistakes That Are Hurting Your eNewsletters (and How To Fix Them)

The ways that our supporters are receiving their information are rapidly changing, and unfortunately many organizations are not keeping up the pace. There's a rumor going around that email is dead, but guess what? It's not.

Mobile Entrepreneurs in Kenya

This week we highlight an interesting report and presentation from the GSMA about digital entrepreneurship in Kenya. This report provides a great overview of the state of the startup community and digital services industry in Kenya in 2014 with a special focus on entrepreneurs developing mobile-enabled services.

Simple Usability Mistakes Impede the Reach of Mobile Financial Services

Financial service providers see great potential in using mobile money to drive outreach and scale. Mobile operators have aggressive strategies to increase market share by capturing new subscribers, which requires deeply penetrating the three billion people who live on less than $2.50 a day.

[NEW STUDY]: Examining a Recent Trend in Online Fundraising

Charity Dynamics, a leading marketing agency for nonprofits, recently released a study that examines the rise of "Independent Fundraising Events" (IFE's) in nonprofit fundraising. Different people use different terms to describe the concept, but IFE's are essentially a type of peer-to-peer fundraiser.

Center For International Policy

Rebecca Wage | 2009 | Washington DC Rebecca Wage spent six months in Washington, DC working with Center for International Policy (CIP), a think tank that produces reports and publications relating to U.S. foreign policy. As a student of politics and international relations, Rebecca was particularly interested in the mission of Center for International Policy, ...

The best thing your nonprofit can do to increase individual giving

"If you care about retention ... if you care about sustainability ... significant net income and, eventually, massive bequest income, it's time to invest some of yourself in mastering the art and finance of monthly giving..."

Make Micro-Donations to Charity Automatically, Based on Your Spending

In a move that should make the process of donating to charity simpler, faster, and virtually effortless, a new service enables automatic micro-donations, based on when and where you spend your money.

How to get an extra billion people online

How do you cross the digital divide to connect the remaining one billion people to the internet? A debate at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain, yesterday looked at the remaining barriers and emerging opportunities as mobile operators and phone producers pursue new customers in developing countries who are not online yet.

For Students

The Everett Program (Formerly the Global Information Internship Program (GIIP)) is a highly innovative educational and service-learning program sponsored by the Center for Global, International, and Regional Studies (CGIRS) at the University of California, Santa Cruz. It is available to students of every major and every year.