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Updated by Thomas Greig on Feb 28, 2014
Thomas Greig Thomas Greig
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Need Some Career Advice - See Here

Need some career advice, see here

7 Great Sporting Motivational Video to help with your Job Search

Finding a new job is always a difficult process and can often take a long time to find your dream job. Like many people, including myself, we often need some motivation to pull us out of a slump, or maybe after a bad interview.

7 Famous Faces Give Career Advice

Working out what you want to do with your career is often very difficult and many people do not ever find their dream job. Finding your dream job, means that you're doing a job that you love to do and actually you want to work more and more.

Top 25 Job Search Tools

Trying to find a new job can often be a really difficult process either because you're trying to find a new job whilst working and cannot spend as much time as you need to or because you don't know where to start.

Top 11 US Job Search Engines Ranked by their Alexa Rank

Top 11 US Job Search Engines Alexa Internet is a US based company that provides traffic data, global rankings are other information on over 30 million websites all over the world. For this post, we have used this website to work out what the Top 11 US Job Search Engines are and therefore which you should use.

16 Great Social Media Networking Sites to Find your Next Job

Social Media Networking Sites With the epic rise of Social Media Networking Sites over the last few years, more and more candidates are finding jobs by means that were a few years ago simply not possible. There are lots of Social Media Networking Sites out there right now, however which ones are the best.

How to Turn your Internship into a Job Offer?

Internships will provide you with a great opportunity to gain work experience and learn new skills. Candidates who work hard, show the right determination and stand out are often given the chance to turn their internship into a full time job offer.

Are Temping, Contracting or Interim Jobs Right For You?

Temping, Contracting or Interim 20 years ago any form of temporary work was seen as a stop-gap solution that would be your last resort if you really could not find a proper job. Today, we have seen a major shift where it has become credible to have a temporary job and many people enjoy the ...

9 Tips on Becoming a Freelance Writer

As a Follow on to my first with my experiences of becoming a freelance writer, I thought I would follow this up with another post with my 9 Top Tips on becoming a freelance blog Writer. Freelance Writing might is a great job that allows you to work from home, full or part time and work when you want to work.

9 Tips on Becoming a Freelance Writer

As a Follow on to my first with my experiences of becoming a freelance writer, I thought I would follow this up with another post with my 9 Top Tips on becoming a freelance blog Writer. Freelance Writing might is a great job that allows you to work from home, full or part time and work when you want to work.

What Job Can I Do - Freelance Writer

Are you in-between jobs at present? or just want to earn some extra income on the side - How about becoming a Freelance Writer? A few months ago on a dark, cold winters weekend in Moscow, Russia I stumbled upon a website written by Tom Ewer, who decided to quit his job and work full time as a Freelance Writer.

How do you Find a Job is that is Not Advertised?

I have written a post on this subject before (where to get a Job from) which whilst I feel is not entirely accurate it does give you an idea of how all the jobs that come onto the market are filled. As expressed in the post, a massive 41% of jobs are filled internally which begs ...

36 Steps to Finding your Dream Job

Finding a your new Dream Job or Career is never easy but it can help if you know where to start. Below you will find my Top 36 Steps to finding your dream job. Create a list of Career Options that you think you would like to do and would really enjoy.