Listly by sophie gerlin
Ensemble d'articles support de la thèse : Est-il possible d'être ou de rester à la mode dans le digital
Quel drôle de nom pour un buzz... En partenariat avec, les contributeurs du blog professionnel lancent le débat : une forme de buzz a vécu, le " Spray and Pray " c'est fini, la " vidéo virale à deux balles qui fait un carton " n'a jamais existé, le ROI et le buzz sont fâchés depuis toujours...
You've probably heard that if someone doesn't have a Klout score of above 80, then you should ignore them. Or have you heard that Klout should be ignored? Read on and find out the truth... There's nothing like a bit of controversy to kick off a blog post!
Les Trending Topicssur Twitter, " TT " pour les intimes, sont les sujets les plus tendances du moment. Ils sont constitués de mots, de hashtags ou de phrases qui ont été tweetés de nombreuses fois durant une période par de nombreuses sources. Les Trendings Topics sont classés par ville, par pays ou encore pour le monde entier.
Découvrez les tendances webdesign de l'année 2014 selon Vanksen. This presentation is also available IN ENGLISH, here :
A A BuzzFeed co-founder Jonah Peretti wrote a kind of open letter to his employees recently, in which he compared the rapidly growing viral-content empire to magazine. Is this just the typical kind of hubris that infects startup founders, to compare a nine-year-old website known primarily for its "listicles" and funny cat GIFs to a venerable and award-winning newsmagazine like ?
La 86 e cérémonie des Oscars a consacré dimanche 2 mars les films " 12 Years a Slave " et " Gravity ". Mais l'autre grand gagnant est Samsung, qui aurait pu recevoir une statuette pour le meilleur buzz de la soirée, grâce au selfie pris en direct, puis publié sur Twitter, par l'animatrice Ellen DeGeneres.
A A Theatrical robots. 3D printers that churn out cells. Wearables for infants. These types of technologies might be "out there," but they show off key enabling technologies that are pushing the future of design forward These types of technologies were highlighted at Bloomberg BusinessWeek's Design Conference in San Francisco on Monday.
As you may know, King Digital, the company behind the blockbuster game Candy Crush Saga, is about to IPO. The company is seeking a valuation of up to $7.6 billion. Let me put that in the style it deserves: seven-point-six billion dollars! I'm not the only one using boldface italics and exclamation points.
Il y a trente ans, Pierre Bourdieu montrait comment les classes supérieures se distinguaient en s'appropriant les pratiques culturelles les plus nobles. Cette analyse est-elle toujours pertinente alors que le mélange des genres entre culture légitime et culture populaire semble être devenu la règle ?
For more than a year now, tens of millions of Americans have found time each day to devote themselves to an essential task: swiping at their phones and tablets to arrange colorful candy icons in rows. They are playing Candy Crush Saga, a wildly addictive mobile game that has been downloaded more than half a billion times.
Consumer behavior is rapidly changing, with "digital" activities growing rapidly in every sphere (see text box below). In the US, 48 percent of all the video viewed is now either "time-shifted" (using DVRs or video on demand) or "device-shifted" (from television sets to laptops, tablets, or mobile phones).
What makes for a nighsayer? By Duncan Stewart Whether decades-old technologies like TV or the PC, relative newcomers like social media or SMS messaging, or something in its infancy such as the phablet (a cross between a smartphone and a tablet), there's always someone trumpeting its imminent demise or utter failure.
I almost didn't write this post. Because I wanted to keep the magic behind my viral video to myself. Because of my ego. Because I would have loved to brag that I just sat back and it took off on its own. But that's not what happened.
From Gangnam Style and the Harlem Shake to Pepsi's Test Drive all viral videos have one thing in common, they all follow a formula. Although they might appear to pop out of thin air, viral videos are crafted using very precise steps.
Kevin Allocca is YouTube's trends manager, and he has deep thoughts about silly web video. In this talk from TEDYouth, he shares the 4 reasons a video goes viral. (This is the first talk posted from an amazing TEDYouth event. Many others will come on line next month as part of our TED-Ed launch.
Companies must go beyond the question of which transformative technologies to apply. To achieve true digital transformation, purpose-driven design is the
A recent study demonstrated that we can successfully predict which messages will go viral and which will not. This study showed that the ideas that are destined to spread have a characteristic signature at their origin - that is, quite literally, within the brain of the sender.
Les templates signent-il la fin de la création graphique? Ce billet a été lu 165 fois. À votre tour? Utiliser un template pour créer son site web: voilà de quoi rendre le créatif dubitatif. Y a-t-il encore de l'originalité dans la création graphique? Le web est souvent considéré comme le parent pauvre de la création graphique.
A recent study demonstrated that we can successfully predict which messages will go viral and which will not. This study showed that the ideas that are destined to spread have a characteristic signature at their origin - that is, quite literally, within the brain of the sender.
Policy Horizons Canada worked with futurist and data visualizer Michell Zappa of Envisioning to produce a report called MetaScan 3: Emerging Technologies and accompanying infographics. We are reproducing the summary for emerging digital and communications technologies. In electronics, advances take the form of faster computers, flexible and printable electronics, and smaller and better sensors.
The mechanics of viral sharing have proved a complicated subject for researchers. They're just keeping pace with the continual flux in content-sharing tools and mechanisms, but now a new set of variables have allowed researchers at Stanford to predict viral events up to 80% of the time, a statistic that's catnip to brands trying to keep their products on the minds of customers.
Chaque mois, en partenariat avec Google, Stratégies publie le classement des vidéos de marque les plus vues sur You Tube.
Let's take a step back and look at both sides of the issue and some pros and cons of flat design. Design is about more than how something looks. | L'expérience utilisateur Mobile et Tablette