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Updated by Nathan W. Bingham on Feb 25, 2025
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Top Bible Apps for the iPhone

The most popular Bible Apps for the iPhone.


Bible ✙ (Logos) for iPhone

Read the Bible in English (ESV, NASB, HCSB, NKJV, NLT, KJV and others) or Greek for free with over 30 available translations. This App becomes much more powerful if you are a Logos Bible Software 4 user as it can sync with your library.

Bible+ for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the iTu

Read and study the Bible in English for free (comes with ASV translation). There are over 100 free additional titles that can be downloaded while other resources and translations in English, Greek and Hebrew can be purchased.

Bible (YouVersion) for iPhone

Read the Bible in English for free (NIV, ESV, NLT, NKJV, AMP, NASB, CEV, NET, WEB, NCV, TNIV, HCSB, The Message, and others). Some translations are downloadable, others only available with an internet connection. It is presently ranked as the most popular Bible reading App in the App Store.


PocketBible for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch gives you everything you need for Bible study or casual reading. It is available free and includes 40 classic Bibles and reference titles to get you started studying the Bible on your iPhone or iPad!

ESV Bible for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad on the

Is the ESV your preferred translation? With this simple, elegant, and fast responding App from Crossway you can have quick access to the ESV for free.

Accordance Bible Software for iPhone, iPod touch,

Read the Bible in English (ESV, KJV) and download other free Bible study tools. This App becomes much more powerful if you are an Accordance user on Mac as you can download any of your Accordance modules to use on your iPhone without the need for an internet connection.

ESV Study Bible + for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

Like the ESV but want to carry the notes from the ESV Study Bible with you as well? This App contains the content of the ESV Study Bible as well as access to the audio of the ESV when connected to the internet.

Blue Letter Bible for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

Read the Bible in English (KJV, ASV & NET) or Greek for free with over 30 available translations. Some translations are downloadable, others only available with an internet connection.

ReadingPlan for iPhone, iPod touch and iPad on the

ReadingPlan helps you track your progress as you read through the Bible. You can start a plan at any time, progressing at your own rate or on the schedule dictated by the plan. The developer is easy to contact and will add your plan if it’s not available in the app already.

The Reformation Study Bible for iPhone, iPod touch

Read the text of the ESV along with the notes and resources from the Reformation Study Bible. Includes the free download of other translations including a Greek NT.

Pocket Sword

Pocket Sword is based on the SWORD back end and there is a large selection of bibles and commentaries available.

Fighter Verses for iPhone

inspired by John Piper a way to memorize scripture.

By Faith Comes by Hearing - a great way to listen to the bible on your iPhone - has access to a great dramatised ESV

Glo Bible

Glo Bible

This App is designed to keep you in your hardcopy Greek New Testament. Simply enter the passage that you’re reading, your Greek vocabulary ability, and this App will display all the Greek words you don’t know. The threshold can be set from words that occur once in the entire New Testament to those that occur 100 times.

NIV Bible +

Bible Reader featuring the New International Version Bible (2011) in fully formatted text pre-loaded and ready to use even when the Internet is unavailable. Navigate by book, topic, passage, search and more. Other versions are available for download within this app.

* Get the most popular Bible versions
* Download Bibles for offline use
* Write and Title notes
* Highlight Bible verses in multiple colors
* Backup and Sync notes, highlights, and bookmarks to and iOS devices
* Enjoy devotional reading plans
* View fully formatted Bible text
* See words of Jesus in red (most versions)
* Navigate the Bible quickly and easily
* Explore the Bible by topics, stories and more
* Save bookmarks
* Read publisher footnotes
* Share verses and links by email, facebook and twitter
* Disable auto-lock
* Sort notes and highlights
* Keep track of your history
* Take advantage of external display support
* Sync purchases with your free just1word account
* Select Multiple Verses

* Fast and easy
* Most relevant results first
* Search the Bible by topic, passage or phrase
* Filter results to find things fast

Mantis NIV Bible Study

Mantis Bible Study: NIV Edition (New International Version)

Includes the full red-letter text of the NIV (New International Version) Bible, over 55,000 note and cross-reference entries with instant-preview, and full KJV text. (This is NOT the NIV Study Bible. It does not contain NIV commentary, only the NIV text and NIV notes.)

Now with immediate "In App Purchase". Over 150 resources are available for immediate purchase from the Apple App Store. Just tap "Buy Now" to purchase and download immediately to the app.

Mantis Bible Study 4.4.0 is the most advanced Bible Study Tool available for any mobile platform. A long list of unique features make Mantis Bible Study stand out as the premier tool for accessing the Bible on the iPhone

Bible by Tecarta

Now you can read any popular Bible translation anywhere and anytime with the Bible App. Based on the NIV Bible by Tecarta, the top-selling Bible for the iPhone in 2010, Bible is a very cool and fast iPhone/iPad application specifically designed for Bible study, quick navigation and easy note taking.

Bible Bookmarks

Bible Bookmarks is an easy-to-use iOS application that will allow you to keep track of where you are at in Bible reading systems.

Tanach for all

Read reviews, get customer ratings, see screenshots, and learn more about Tanach for all - תנ"ך בשביל כולם on the App Store. Download Tanach for all - תנ"ך בשביל כולם and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

NIV Bible

The top-selling Bible for the iPhone in 2010 gets even better. We’ve added new features such as cloud syncing and AirPrint support. Cloud syncing allows you to synchronize all your notes, bookmarks, margin notes and highlights across all iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch devices. AirPrint allows you to print your notes from your device.

NIV+ Bible

NIV+ Bible with the NIV Bible is an amazing way to read & study the NIV Bible. Designed for deeper Bible study, join over 4 million users on “The Bible Study App.” Learn from great scholars through thousands of resources including commentaries, maps, and dictionaries all available off-line. If you like to highlight Bible verses, take notes, bookmark passages and have everything sync to all your devices, then this is your Bible Study App. This Bible app is more than just an e-reader.

Partnering To Remember: The App

The P2R App helps users remember large chunks of text with a focus on books of the Bible, following the Partnering To Remember method proposed by Timmy Brister.

WSC Media

Take Westminster Seminary California with you wherever you go with our new mobile media application.

The new application offers immediate access to our online resources, including our Office Hours podcast, Face to Face video library, Morning Devotions, and "Valiant for Truth" Blog.

This is a great way to learn about Christ, His Gospel, and His Church.

Wave Study Bible® for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad

Read the Bible in English (KJV, NET, and others) or Greek for free. Their English library is limited and requires In-App purchases for more popular translations, however, it was recommended to me given its free Greek NT.