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If your organization hasn't been using Instagram, now might be the time to jump on the bandwagon. Last week the photo-sharing platform released a new video feature that is proving to be hugely popular. Within 24 hours of its launch, more than five million videos were created on Instagram, reported TechCrunch.
The technology industry has a problem. It's not a new one but one that the importance of which only grows and expands. This problem is that of diversity in the tech industry. The tech world is not diverse. The computer industry in particular is a disappointing offender.
How can you encourage your nonprofit's supporters to participate in lively discussions about important issues on Facebook? Ask questions. While asking questions to your organization's fans on Facebook is an easy way to generate discussions about your group's causes, many organizations still struggle with crafting questions that elicit many responses.
"Wrap" by Kevin Dwyer/ "In groups we can do together what we cannot achieve alone. With networks and new computer-based tools now ordinary people can become a group even without the benefit of a corporation or organization. They can make decisions, own and sell assets, accomplish tasks by exploiting the technology available.
Nonprofits that do not create a lot of their own video content can still have an engaging YouTube Channel by curating videos relevant to your nonprofit's mission and programs. Just because your nonprofit didn't create a video doesn't mean you can't feature it on your channel.
An alternative or natural building involves a range of building systems and materials that place major emphasis on sustainability. Ways of achieving sustainability through natural building focus on durability and the use of minimally processed, plentiful or renewable resources, as well as those that, while recycled or salvaged, produce healthy living environments and maintain indoor air quality.
A recent report examines the evolution of digital efforts at nonprofits and the challenges that lie ahead. In my digital strategy and organizational change work at Communicopia, I consistently find that the structure and culture of an organization's digital team, and the focus of the individuals who work in it, more directly correlates to sustainable online success than almost any other factors.
Blog Post > Opinion: Nonprofits Are Part of Economic Vitality, Too Susan N. Dreyfus - February 5, 2014Author Biography Susan N. Dreyfus is president and chief executive officer of the Alliance for Children and Families in Milwaukee, Wisc.
By Melisa Socorro-Nunez, Global Marketing and Communications Intern January 9, 2014 Summer intern Melisa spoke with Gil Lacson, Manager at the Network Engagement Team, to understand how the Fellowship Program at Women's World Banking works. They also talked about his experience working at the organization for over 14 years.
Saturday is a day for easy reading. Light-hearted human interest pieces in magazines, Buzzfeed articles about foods that are better when they're crunchy and maybe a dabble of informational stuff (if it can parade around as entertaining at the same time).
We've entered a new era in nonprofit marketing. If you've dipped your toe in the social media waters, do you wonder why you aren't reaching more people or raising more dollars? If you haven't yet begun, have you considered what social media marketing might do to help you reach - or not reach - your goals?
Posted: Print Article Charities are finally bouncing back thanks to a recovering economy and a focus on fundraising fundamentals, a new study has concluded. Overall donations grew 4.9 percent last year, the biggest boost since the recession hit, the study conducted by Blackbaud -- a leading provider of online donation processing -- found.
Laura Iancu is a guest contributor for Nonprofit Hub and a passionate volunteer who loves being involved in social and educational projects. She currently tries to bring NPOs around the world closer to technology through 123ContactForm as their PR Specialist.
Following the recent building collapse in Bangladesh, the 'godfather' of microfinance talks about the garment industry, corporate social responsibility and starting up a social enterprise