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Updated by Listly Curator on Nov 28, 2014
Headline for Listagrams from Listly #5 - Ladies who List
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Listagrams from Listly #5 - Ladies who List

Here are five lists that caught our eye this week. If you enjoy them, share them. Share your new Listly lists on Twitter with hashtag #listagram. We might just include yours in our next edition!

Female Founders

Awesome female founders we admire and everyone should know about. A great list of female founders by Susan Jones. You can contribute by adding founders that should be on this list.

Gateway Women | Childless & Childfree Resources

A great list of blogs, websites, resources and articles of interest to childless-by-circumstance women. A list by Jody Day, author of "Rocking the Life Unexpected: 12 Weeks to Your Plan B for a Meaningful and Fulfiling Life Without Children"

Christian Mom Blogs

A list of the best Christian mommy bloggers that should be in your blog roll. A popular list by Tricia Goyer

Women In Tech

An evolving, comprehensive list of women in tech who are also on Twitter. Not all these women are coders or programmers, but they are greater than the sum of their parts. A list by Amy Vernon.

Top Interior Design and Architecture Blogs 2014

Part discovery, part contest, here's a list of Top 100 Interior Design and Architecture Blogs for 2014. A list by Veronika Miller of Modenus.