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Updated by White Hawk on Feb 27, 2014
Headline for How to Get Rid Shaving Bumps Fast
White Hawk White Hawk
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How to Get Rid Shaving Bumps Fast

Razor bumps or ingrown hairs are the result of your hair growing back into the hair follicle. Ingrown hair often results after shaving, especially when proper shaving techniques are not followed.

Tend Skin The Skin Care Solution For Unsightly Razor Burns, Ingrown Hair And Razor Burns, 8-Ounce Bottle

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How To Get Rid of Razor and Shaving Bumps

Razor bumps are the result of your hair growing back into the hair follicle and getting caught by the skin. It can be painful and really itchy. In this short post we will find out pointers on how do you get rid of razor bumps fast. What Causes Razor Bumps or Ingrown Hairs?

Ultimate Man Razor Bump Relief 4.2 oz

Ultimate Man Razor Bump Relief-Ingrown hair aid and razor burn treatment
By Kehl's Since 1851.
A strong yet soothing preparation for skin-May be used on face, neck, legs, or wherever shaving causes irritation
100% Authentic
Provides mild exfoliation to improve skin's appearance and reduce irritation