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Updated by Michael Viglianti on Feb 18, 2014
Headline for Makers: The New Industrial Revolution Talking Points
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Makers: The New Industrial Revolution Talking Points

This is a list containing the interesting topics Chris Anderson talked about in his book Makers: The New Industrial Revolution.

Ponoko, Laser cutting & 3D printing made easy

Anderson talked about Ponoko as a great place to outsource your manufacturing needs. You can make, buy, or even sell the products you make on this site!




In the book Anderson talks a lot about the Arduino board and even mentions using it in a few of his examples. This is the full Arduino site which has tutorials and the different types of boards.

SparkFun Electronics

Sparkfun is a startup that Anderson mentions a lot in the book and even recommends buying their beginner Arduino kit in the back of the book.

Leaders Of The 3D Printing Revolution

Shapeways opens up 3D printing to the masses, allowing us to design and share our ideas as well as realize them as physical objects. An example of 3d printing which Anderson speaks of.

OpenSprinkler: An Open-Source Sprinkler Timer

The OpenSprinkler project which Chris Anderson had a hand in building.

3D Printing Time Lapse Photography - Yoda

This is a time lapse of a 3d printer in action. I thought this would be a good video for anyone not familiar with how these machines work. | UAV Technology

Chris Anderson's company which is mentioned in the book.

Makers: The New Industrial Revolutio Books

The book if anyone wants to buy it!

Local Motors Rally Fighter

The open source car manufacturer that Anderson talks about.

List of Hacker Spaces

Anderson talks a lot about Hacker Spaces here is a list of them all over the world.


One of the manufacturers of 3D printers that Anderson talks about.


A DIY centrifuge that Anderson talks about in the last chapter of the book.

Rutgers DCS HackerSpace

Rutgers very own Hackerspace

Cnc machining a Fender body

A CNC making a fender body!

How to Solder

Soldering is a big deal when it comes to the maker movement. Here is a tutorial on how to do it!

I'm Chris Anderson, and This Is How I Work

An Interview with the author Chris Anderson by LifeHacker and a picture of his workspace!

Chris Anderson (writer)

A biography about Chris Anderson from Wikipedia

Chris Anderson, DIY Drones/3D Robotics - XOXO Festival (2013)

Chris Anderson talks a bit about how his startup came to be and a story he tells in his book.

WorldAffairs 2013 Keynote: Chris Anderson - The Maker Revolution

The full idea of Anderson's book as told by Chris Anderson.

Makers: The New Industrial Revolution Book Remix

This video is a mash-up of a few of the key points that stuck out for me in the book Makers: The New Industrial Revolution by Chris Anderson. The purpose of this video is to showcase and show examples of what Anderson was talking about in his book.