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Updated by Hunter Emkay on Oct 05, 2019
Headline for Index Card Apps
Hunter Emkay Hunter Emkay
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Index Card Apps

Many writing apps feature cork-board style digital index cards for various functions, while there are also many stand-alone mobile apps for creating index cards.

CardBoard Index Cards - Android Apps on Google Play

A good looking Corkboard Index Card app for Android. Look for the novel writing notecards as an add-in also.


Final Draft

Final Draft, the world's favourite screenwriting app (for Mac OS, Windows, iPad and iPhone) has both scene and index cards within the writing environment.

Story Skeleton - Screenplay and Novel Planning App for iPhone

Story Skeleton is an iPhone and iPAD app for creating the structure behind screenplays, novels, and academic papers.

These index cards are exportable as Scrivener files.

Index Card for iPad

Index Card is a corkboard writing app for iPad that makes it easy to capture, organize, and compile your ideas. Colour code, arrange in decks, export.

Scrivener for Mac users also have a sync function with Index Card for iPAD.

Writer's Blocks Writing Software - Product Information

Writer's Blocks for Windows is a unique writing tool that will help you organize ideas and information so that you can write any type of complex written material easier and faster. Just enter each point or idea into our expandable, movable text blocks.

This software is feature rich, but expensive. There is a lite version available.


Writer's Blocks Essence

Writer's Blocks Essence is the essence of our Writer's Blocks 4 software - a unique writing tool that will help you organize ideas and information so that you can write any type of complex written material easier and faster. With Writer's Blocks Essence, you get simple yet powerful software that will make mapping out any complex writing project a breeze.

Mindola Software

SuperNotecard is fast becoming the best way for novelists, biographers, researchers, and writers of every stripe to begin to craft their work using notecards. SuperNotecard is an intuitive tool that uses notecards to capture and organize your ideas. These virtual notecards can be moved into decks, arranged on the screen, or grouped and categorized with ease.

Windows, Linux and Mac OS, also Online Notecards which can be downloaded to the app.

Literature and Latte - Scrivener Writing Software | Mac OS X | Windows

Scrivener for Mac OS X and Windows is an Award-winning writing software for novelists, scriptwriters, academics or anyone working on long texts requiring research and structure, or taming the chaotic process of writing.

Has an index-card corkboard feature for structural (synopsis) organisation - these cards can also take images as well as text.

Text Block Writer

Text Block Writer, free download. Text Block Writer 1.17: Useful tool for organising notes related to writing.

A simple app for free download. Windows 7.

Throughline Interactive Index Cards

Organize Your Story Notesand Create Timelines Throughine is an interactive index card program that organizes your story ideas and creative notions the way you think about them. Click and drag to rearrange your cards, add titles, colors, link to files on your computer or on the internet including media files.

By the makers of StoryWeaver, StoryMind and Dramatica.

Windows or Mac versions


Word processor, storyboard, outliner, project organizer, and more.

Both the Mac version and iPAD version hold a cork board environment which supports index cards and images.

Mac OS and iOS

WriteItNow Creative Writing Software

Write it Now contains many writing tools including a Storyboard which holds index-like cards for scenes and story organisation.




StoryO™ takes story outlining and idea organization to a whole new level. Designed by writers for writers, StoryO allows you to outline your story in broad strokes, jot down raw notes and ideas, flesh out details and then put it all in story order when you're ready.

Contains a storyboard, timeline and index card feature.

PC and Mac OS