Listly by Cloudways
Here is the curated list of top Drupal developers, its great to follow all of them in 2014. Please add your suggestions. The list does not rank anyone's ability or qualification.
Co-founder of @triquanta (, drupal developer and violin player in Quartet Quinetique @quinetique, Amsterdam
Senior architect Drupal developer. Collaboration advocate. Clean code advocate. Clean government advocate. Geek. (Pick 3.)
Drupal developer and Support Engineer at @wunderkraut_be . You can also follow me on
Drupal developer, big brother, boyfriend, ..., occasional pain in the ass // sometimes making 3 to 4 type errors a second // ... // #WebDev @maisterbe
Business owner, Drupal expert, long-time Internet addict, now Twitter addict to boot! Co-founder and director at @codeenigma, European Drupal specialists.
Ex road rage sufferer, closet Chihuahua owner, Excessive tea & cheese binger, co-founder of @ixisit.
Drupal, Hosting, Linux, F1
Drupal Site Building & Development. Loves Travel, Cider, Pinot Noir & Organic Food. Swims & Cycles When Can But Mostly Wanders. VR Nut. F/LOSS & AGPL Evangelist
Drupal developer @DigitalEchidna, Drupal core contributor and mentor, devourer of musics.
ELMS / ELMSLN project lead, drupal developer. open education, open the world
echo 'Who am I in 160 chars? Mom, wife, Drupal developer, human ;) 95+% of tweets will be about Drupal/SEO/i18n/tech. Oh, I have a few more chars... hello:)'|wc
Web technologist, Drupal developer, abalone diver, hoopster, wannabee entrepreneurialista, mobile enthusiast
Engineering lead for the Drupal Distributions team, @Acquia. @drupalcommons 7.x, @UseCOD 6.x maintainer. Brooklyn resident, recovering musician.
Freelance web designer & Drupal front-end developer based in Derby and Manchester, voted one of the Drum's top 100 freelancers.
Ex-wannabe musician, ex-charity worker, ex-carpenter's assistant, still a code monkey...