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Updated by Hunter Emkay on Jan 12, 2024
Headline for Writing Meters & Word Tracking Apps & Widgets
Hunter Emkay Hunter Emkay
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Writing Meters & Word Tracking Apps & Widgets

A list of word trackers, widgets and apps for tracking wordcount and other writing meters or statistics.

Writeometer - Android Apps on Google Play
  • Set daily writing reminders
  • Writing logbook and progress chart
  • Integrated productivity timer to ward off procrastination
  • Motivational treats and inspirational quotes for those moments of writer's block

Android App

Word Counter - Count Words

Word Counter is an online tool that helps you to accurately count the number of words in your text. Count words, characters, reading level, and more!


Writertopia provides two graphical progress meters that can be embedded in your web page or blog.

  • The Picometer is a simple progress meter.
  • The Writertopia Progress Meter is the interactive cartoon meter.
Honorless Writing Progress Bar

A webpage which uses javascript and user inputs to provide html code for a progress bar to put on your blog.


StoryToolz : Resources for Authors

StoryToolz contains several tools for authors, including some word count meters. You will need to signon to access.


Sarra's Word Meter

Meter Maker This one allows a lot of customisation, and uses your Facebook profile to login to the webpage where your stats are input.

Critique Circle Online Writing Workshop | Word Meter

Another progress bar builder for putting onto your website.

webapp, code

WordPress › ProgPress " WordPress Plugins

ProgPress provides a simple shortcode for creating progress meters on your WordPress site. They can be used to track just about anything where you count up towards a goal: word-count, fundraising, etc. You can put them in individual posts and pages, or include them in text widgets.

Wordpress plugin

WordPress › Dave's Whizmatronic Widgulating Calibrational Scribometer " WordPress Plugins

Dave's Whizmatronic Widgulating Calibrational Scribometer allows writers to display fully customizable progress meters in their sidebar which track the status of their current works in progress.

Wordpress plugin

NaNoProgress - Android Apps on Google Play

A free Android app for wordcount progress - you don't just have to use it during NaNoWriMo.


Word Tracker: For The Writer, Author & Student

Keeps track of the time spent writing, wordcount and your thoughts on your writing sessions. Free.


Word Count Dashboard

Part corkboard, part word tracker, goal tracker, time tracker, dashboard reports.



Obviously for writers, set your daily word goals, and record success (and how you felt about the writing session too). If you don't write, you break the writing chain. Simple but flexible, and free.


Nervous Gandhi: Barack Obama Mentions Rahul Gandhi In His Memoir - Viral Bake

The former president of the USA, Barack Obama, in his latest memoir has drawn sketches of several US and world leaders including Rahul Gandhi and former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.