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Updated by Stephen Cunningham on Mar 02, 2014
Headline for Dealing with Plagiarism Among High School Students
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Dealing with Plagiarism Among High School Students

These are some sites and articles I found interesting when discussing plagiarism with high school students.

Ethical use of Digital Infromation

Ethical use of Digital Information PlagiarismCopyrightCiting Sources"an act or instance of using or closely imitating the language and thoughts of another author without authorization and the representation of that author's work as one's own, as by not crediting the original author""the exclusive right to make copies, license, and otherwise exploit a literary, musical, or artistic work, whether printed, audio, video, etc."*dictionary.comGiving credit to the author *Knightcite *Purdue OWL *Citation MachineSites that will help you cite your sources: Copyright Licenses: Copyright is defined as: Plagiarism's definition is: Citing Sources:We use the computer for a lot of things.

Teaching about Plagiarism in a Digital Age (The Council Chronicle, Nov. 05)

Students Listen When Teachers Discuss the Issues Teachers and students can tap the Internet's vast information and images to create better lessons, write better papers, and plan better presentations. But this educational bounty isn't just there for the taking-a point that some students who grew up in the era of online music swapping might not fully understand.

Beat the Cheat: Teaching Students (and Parents) It's Not OK to Copy

I was about to begin my first year teaching high school English when I got the news that students entering college from area high schools had a reputation for plagiarism. Determined to break this embarrassing -- and illegal -- habit, at least in my own students, I went on the attack.

Plagiarism Checker

Results: A part of your content is matching some text from the Web. Please make sure that this text is correctly referenced. How the Plagiarism Check Tool Works: The article you entered is scanned carefully, and so is the world wide web.

Vaughan Memorial Library : Tutorials : Plagiarism

Vaughan Memorial Library, Acadia University Copyright © 2004-2008 The Governors of Acadia University. All rights reserved.Requirements for use

Demystifying citing and referencing - Monash University Library - Monash University

See the Citing and Referencing Library Guide for a list of styles recommended by Monash university faculties, schools, or departments.

Seth's Blog

Copyright is not an absolute. Potato chips are absolute. If this is my potato chip, then it's not yours. You can't touch it, eat it or use it for any reason whatsoever, not without asking first. Copyright doesn't work that way. There is a yin to the yang of copyright protection, and it's called Fair Use.

Gaming Against Plagiarism

Some games that are made to help teach students about plagiarism.

EasyBib: The Free Automatic Bibliography Composer

Automatic works cited and bibliography formatting for MLA, APA and Chicago/Turabian citation styles. Now supports 7th edition of MLA.

Son of Citation Machine

Contains various types of formats as well as various citation templates students can use to create a citation page.

Turnitin - Home

Leading academic plagiarism checker technology for teachers and students. Online plagiarism detection, grammar check, grading tools. Depending on your school, this is a paid service.

Episode 1: Plagiarism

In episode one Allison finds herself at a crossroad. It's late at night and she's only scratched the surface of her psychology essay. But being the tenacious student she is, Allison blazes on. She even manages to thwart Jared's spicy Thai-food temptation. But will that be enough for her to triumph over her first-year fatigue?

LO4.1 Explain the ethical issues in the use of information technology.

LO4.1 Explain the ethical issues in the use of information technology.-- Created using PowToon -- Free sign up at . Make your own animated videos and animated presentations for free.