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Updated by Erika Yigzaw on Nov 21, 2020
Headline for Paleo Resources
Erika Yigzaw Erika Yigzaw
41 items   10 followers   1 votes   159 views

Paleo Resources

I "dabble" in Paleo. Which I know probably defeats the purpose, but my Ethiopian husband says he moved to American to eat processed carbs so what can you do?!?! Joke. But seriously, we do try to eat 80% paleo so I wanted to put together a list of my favorite paleo resources for other folks who might be interested! Please add your own favorites!


Chowstalker Paleo Recipes

Thousands of free paleo recipes from hundred of home chefs

PaleOMG - Paleo Recipes

I think it's 48 recipes. But I get dizzy trying to count them all so I could totally be wrong. So I'm not one to make my food... Read More "

Nom Nom Paleo

Pin It Man, I'm a pretty lucky gal. This week brought two wonderful surprises (and a not-so wonderful one, too). I was on nightshift duty at the hospital last week, so I was passed out in bed when a heavy package from Paleo Magazine arrived at our house.

Paleo Newbie | Paleo & Gluten-Free Recipes To Help You Rock The Stone Age Diet!

Paleo & Gluten-Free Recipes To Help You Rock The Stone Age Diet!

fastPaleo exists for you to share your paleo and primal recipes with the world. Whether you are an established food blogger with your own site and fans looking for more exposure, or just getting started with your paleo journey and looking for a place to post your very first recipe....

The Daily Apple

Balancing Blood Sugar for Effective Weight Loss Balancing Blood Sugar for Effective Weight Loss It is no secret and everybody knows that eating fatty food leads to weight gain. But what is not known to everybody is that even sugar increases ones weight.

Cauliflower Soup with Chive Oil and Rye Crostini

Set a coffee filter in a glass; set aside. Blanch chives for 10 seconds in a medium saucepan of boiling salted water. Transfer to a medium bowl of ice water to cool. Squeeze chives dry; coarsely chop and place in a blender. Add 3/4 cup oil; purée until smooth.

Make Your Own Almond Flour

Pastry technique: Make your own almond flour December 17th, 2010 | 56 Comments Right now I'm hard at work on a big, comprehensive French Macaron tutorial. It will be ready in a week or two, so I hope you look out for it.

Fermented Food Recipes

Fermentation and lacto-fermentation as been around for a very long time mainly as a means to preserve food over long periods of time when refrigeration wasn't available. Today more and more people are rediscovering those old methods of preserving food because the taste is amazing, but also because it's a great way to consume probiotics.

Paleo Banana Bread (Chocolate Swirl, Optional)

This shouldn't take more than 10 minutes to put together-and about half that much time to devour. Make sure your bananas are spotty,brown-if you don't want to peel it and eat it, then it's perfect for baking with.

Humans Are Not Broken

Please enable javascript to view this site. Quick Description Originally released on 11/1/2011 - this classic episode has host Angelo Coppola interviewing Mark Sisson! They discuss the Primal approach, how to get started, conventional wisdom, what happens to people when they go Primal, women & primal, and everything from chronic hunger and cardio to bathroom scales that measure body fat and much more.




Eat Real Food Eat the foods humans are designed to eat and lose weight, look great and feel your best. Start changing your life today: get a FREE Paleo Quick Start Guide plus my 24-part Paleo Solutions email series about living a healthy lifestyle.

Paleo Diet (Paleolithic, Primal, Caveman, Stone Age, Hunter-Gatherer Diet)

Evolution of the Human Diet: The Known, the Unknown, and the Unknowable by Peter S. Ungar. Diet is key to understanding the ecology and evolution of our distant ancestors and their kin, the early hominins. A study of the range of foods eaten by our progenitors underscores just how unhealthy many of our diets are today.

Paleo Diet Menu

Free Paleo Recipes that are super tasty and easy to follow that will be perfect for you and the family.



eatthismuch - Science and User based approach to Goals

Over at last week, we released the second rendition of our table of human trials for supplements and have since called it the 'Human Effect Matrix' (HEM for short). This was a work in progress for about 6 months with a ton of behind the scenes work, and due to the overwhelming focus of [...]




Ancestral Weight Loss Registry

How to Eat Healthy, Lose Weight and Feel Awesome Every Day

On this page you will learn how to eat healthy. If you do this, you will lose weight without counting calories and feel better every single day. Given that healthy eating can prevent serious diseases like obesity, type II diabetes and heart disease, this advice may save your life. Literally.

Mexican Chocolate Coffee Cake

The inspiration for this cake came from my daughter's second birthday cake. I baked Elena Amsterdam's chocolate layer cake with coconut flour recipe and frosted with a lacto-paleo chocolate fudge frosting (the kind that is mostly chocolate with a little cream and butter for good measure).

101 Healthy Low-Carb Recipes That Taste Incredible

This is a list of 101 healthy low carb recipes. All of them are sugar free, gluten free and taste incredible. Skip directly to the appropriate section: With each photo and recipe is a very short description. Click the link beside each image for the full instructions and more photos.

3 MINUTE CHOCOLATE CAKE - Linda's Low Carb Menus & Recipes

3 MINUTE CHOCOLATE CAKE 1/4 cup almond flour, 1 ounce 1 tablespoon cocoa 1/4 teaspoon baking powder 3 tablespoons plus 1 teaspoon granulated Splenda or equivalent liquid Splenda 2 tablespoons butter, melted 1 tablespoon water 1 egg Mix the almond flour, cocoa, baking powder and granulated Splenda, if using, in a 2-cup glass measuring cup.

Healthy Coffee Recipe

Katie - Wellness Mama Affiliate Disclosure After a recent Facebook post where I mentioned I put some strange ingredients in my coffee, I've gotten a few emails asking for more details... I have a love/hate relationship with coffee. Basically, I love coffee but my adrenals don't always love it!

The Best Brownie in a Mug Recipe!

Thanks for visiting! If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to My Newsletter. Please Note: This post may contain sponsor, affiliate, and/or referral links. Read my full disclosure and disclaimer statement here. This is the BEST Brownie you can make in a mug! I must confess, I love chocolate.

LCHF for Beginners

Do you want to eat real food (as much as you like) and improve your health and weight? It may sound too good to be true, but LCHF (Low Carb, High Fat) is a method that has been used for 150 years. Now, modern science backs it up with proof that it works.