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Updated by Rebecca Nevetral on Feb 05, 2014
Headline for Curating Ethical Use of Information Resources
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Curating Ethical Use of Information Resources

This is a curated list of ethical use resources and information. The resources are to assist students in crediting their resources.

Turnitin : Results : Plagiarism Spectrum

This infographic uses common terminology to relate different types of plagiarism, many of which students might think is acceptable. You can use this resource to determine whether or not your use of a source relates too closely to the original and might be a form of plagiarism.

Graphic Novel on Plagiarism

This is a graphic novel that discusses research skills a student might need to use. However, for the purposes of this list, you will only need to use the section on "Plagiarism" and "Giving Credit Where Credit is Due"

Plagiarism Tutorial: Test Your Knowledge

Plagiarism tutorial - This tutorial is designed to help students understand what constitutes plagiarism, how to avoid it (plagiarism), and how to properly cite and quote sources in order to avoid plagiarism

Paul Robeson Library:: The Anti Plagiarism Game Show Cite is Right!

This video is great for our students who do not like to read or who need visual representations. The video has different chapters related to plagiarism that students can move through and watch multiple times to get a complete grasp of the concept. It also relates the idea of plagiarism to a well-known game: The Price is Right

Alternative Tutorial for Middle School

This tutorial offers students a particular tutorial just for them. They will be allowed to follow the directions on the website and move through the tutorial geared towards them. This will allow students to test their knowledge of plagiarism and provides students with an example of how to do it themselves.

Acadia University Tutorial

This tutorial allows students to self-progress through a visually appealing tutorial that includes audio. One of the best features of this particular tutorial is the description of misconceptions about plagiarism.

YouTube Plagiarism for Middle School

This video is a YouTube video about plagiarism geared towards MIDDLE SCHOOL students!!! This video is fun and interesting. Watch this for a entertaining tutorial on plagiarism.

What Is Plagiarism?

Plagiarism is a form of cheating because it's stealing another person's ideas. But there's a right way to use Internet sources and other references when you're doing homework or a report. Find out more.