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Updated by Debbie Smith on Jul 08, 2018
Debbie Smith Debbie Smith
3 items   1 followers   0 votes   21 views

February 2014

Volcanoes and Videolicious

Ms.Brock's Third Graders used the Videolicious app to teach others how volcanoes cause erosion.

weather reports

My class finished their weather reports, and we used the green screen and my Mac to create these awesome public service announcements. I am so excited to find other ways to use the technology in...

Kahoot! | Game-based blended learning & classroom response system

Kahoot! is a classroom response system which creates an engaging learning space, through a game-based digital pedagogy. Kahoot! is an easy-to-use blended learning platform which works on any device, making the classroom interactive, encouraging both educators and learners to ask great questions.