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Updated by Cassidy Vance on Feb 03, 2014
Headline for Learning in the 21st Century
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Learning in the 21st Century

Here is a list of nine videos that discuss the topic of what it is like to be a 21st Century. I have ranked them by their effectiveness of in sharing a conversation on the 21st Century learner and 21st Century learning.

Engage Me!

This video is the most effective for me because I teach children around these ages and it is always surprising to read how much they are surrounded with technology and communication at such young ages. Education has to keep changing to support these learners!

A Vision of Students Today

Even though, the camera angles were a little shaky, this video was effective for me because I was able to relate to it. So many times in college during my undergrad degree, I sat in lecture hall rooms just like these and felt so distant from the curriculum. This video does an excellent job portraying the problems with traditional classrooms.

21st Century Skills: What Do We Do?

This fast-paced video is extremely effective in giving ideas to help 21st century learners be successful!

A Vision of K-12 Students Today

Having the children holding up these signs gave a powerful message at how vital 21st century learning is right now. It tugged on my heart strings, so I felt it was decently effective.

Pay Attention - Final Final Cut

I like how this video uses questions and inquiry to capture the viewer's attention. However, the music got a little annoying toward the end and I felt it could have been more engaging.

Rethinking Learning: The 21st Century Learner | MacArthur Foundation

To me, this video and the "Pay Attention" video are at a "tie" for the being averagely effective, and I enjoyed the music and fast paced speed of this video. The topics were relevant and it was short and simple.

Teaching the 21st Century Learner

I feel this video does an excellent job relaying the message that they ways students learn today is changing faster than ever, and educators must be evolving with them to keep them fully engaged and connected to the content.

21st Century Literacy

At first, this video focuses on how literacy is changing in the 21st century, but then takes a drastic and kind of negative turn on how voters feel about the education system today, which is why I feel it is not very effective.

21st Century Learning Matters

I felt this video was the least effective because it felt like it was made 10-15 years ago. The information was relevant, but the layout and production was not very engaging. I also feel that this video could have been condensed to about 5 min. long.