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Updated by Vance Stevens on Feb 01, 2014
Headline for Rhizo14
32 items   1 followers   0 votes   112 views


This could be a place where Rhizo14 users could add their Twitter IDs and thus keep in touch through Rhizo15 and beyond ...

Elena Sher (@elenalangepas)

enjoy my life

Maria Colussa (@mariacolussa)

A 42 year old wife and mother of 3 who also teaches English who is bewildered at the new possibilities of technology in education in a globally connected world.

UMPhil (@eelc141tweets)

An EFL teacher.

Buddhi Sapkota (@BuddhiSapkota1)

Lecturer of Mathematics, Social Worker in NGO. interested in e-learning, HR management & Organizational Development,Critical Thinking, Fluid Dynamics

Crystal Rose (@eslcrystal)

MA ESL for adults. CALL. SMALL. PLNs. Self-directed PD. Connected learning.

Tihomir Davchev (@kiratiho)

An English teacher doing M.A. in TESOL in Leeds. A tennis trainer. An avid reader and a constant dreamer. Eager to constantly improve and share ideas.

aslisaglam (@aslilidice)

an English language teacher who loves teaching like Gollum loves the ring

Marie-Hélène Fasquel (@Mariehel2)

EFL teacher, teacher trainer, ICT enthusiast and trainer. eTwinning ambassador. Author. Microsoft Expert Innovator. Many interests including sailing.

Tatyana Chernaya (@Cts0908)

English teacher interested in IT, Web2.0, blogging with students and collaborating with other teachers.

Tuba Angay-Crowder (@tubaangay)

PhD student of ESL in Atlanta, GA. I am interested in teaching multimodal compositions, new literacies, passion-affiliated spaces

Ana Cristina Pratas (@AnaCristinaPrts)

Passionate about education & using ICT to enhance learning; Interested in online education, music & photography; can't live without sun, sea & open skies.

Rose Bard (@rosemerebard)

English Teacher - Learning takes place when brain & heart are at work. Interested in PD, technology, literacy, cultural exchange, etc. #ELTlink for linkin class

Margarita Kalyuzhna (@margo_kalyuzhna)

Teacher. Like blogging, tech, global collaboration.

A. Guettl (@aguettl)

Addicted to web2.0+, trainer & consultant for webbased working and learning

Claudia M. Estrada (@ceguate)

Tech Director, passionate about technology in education and other things in life.

Lina Morgado (@LinaMorgado)

Professor at portuguese Open University [UAb]/ e-learning researcher/

ChrisJ06 (@ChrisJ06)

I'm retired from teaching ESL/EFL.

Prof.Wallace Barboza (@wbarboza)

A husband, father, friend, and lifelong learner passionate about languages, teaching, and writing. Someone who still believes in the power of education.

Natasa Bozic Grojic (@lunas994)

mother, wife, EFL teacher, Webhead, blogger, writer lifelong learner, daydreamer, geek, insomniac

VanessaVaile (@VanessaVaile)

e-networking for community, learning, advocacy & personal self-expression;