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Updated by Shelly Sanchez Terrell on May 22, 2017
Headline for Instagram
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American TESOL Webinar - Teaching with Instagram

Learn to teach with Instagram, an online photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, apply digital filters to them, and share them on a variety of social networking services.

ImageChef- free browser & IOS App

ImageChef- Create word clouds, images with poetry, memes and more!

InstaCC Free IOS App- Calendar & Challenges everyday
  • Turns Instagram into a daily creative challenge.
PicCollage free IOS Android App

Download PicCollage to join the community of 50 million people who use PicCollage to make awesome collages and share them with the world. Check out the new holiday sticker packs and backgrounds!

With Instagram you can teach with Word Clouds

Check out this presentation with tons of ideas! Find resources at

You Doodle Home

You Doodle is the only iOS image editor you will ever need. Read on to discover our massive list of ever growing features:

Instagram free app

Take a picture or video, choose a filter to transform its look and feel, then post to Instagram - it's that easy. You can even share to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and more. It's a new way to see the world.

Creating Instagram Video "Book Trailers" With English Language Learners

I've written a lot in the past, and shared student work, about using Instagram and Vine videos with English Language Learners to learn academic vocabulary. Last week, I shared how I was going to try to do a similar project with my English Language Learners - this time, having them create fifteen second video "book trailers" - in other words, mini-book reviews.

Instagram for Educators

Over the last 18 months, the #foodatinstagram ( see @foodatoakhill) educators community has developed and discovered wonderful support from each other. It has been a blast! Students and parents enjoy sharing their learning experiences with friends, family and the world.

Use Instagram for Education with #Edugram

Most of us realize how important it is to be connected via 21 st Century means as our students are continually seeing the world on a much smaller scale through the technology they so embrace. Being aware and using the technology available is crucial for us to not only understand our students, but to better understand our selves.

Five-Minute Film Festival: Vine and Instagram Video in the Classroom

Can seconds-long Vine and Instagram videos be used as teaching tools? According to a number of educators online, the answer is a resounding yes! To help educators utilize Vine in class, VideoAmy has pulled together some of the best resources and videos from around the Web.

Using Instagram in an Educational Context

The highly popular photo sharing app can deliver a variety of educational benefits. If you are active on social websites, or have young tech users in your life, then you've probably come across Instagram. This application works in hand-in-hand with Facebook and has grown to be one of the most apps on the Internet.

Kids Won't Put Instagram Down? 5 Fun Ways To Use Instagram For Education

If you're 20 or older, you know what it's like growing without a smartphone. You also know what it's like growing without Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and the rest of them. There was nothing too bad about growing up without these gadgets, apps and websites, so us old folks tend to conclude that growing up with...

Ten Ideas for Using Instagram in the Classroom

I didn't understand the pull of Instagram the first time I heard about it. To me, it sounded like a fancy app that would take regular pictures and make them look like they were crappy, old photographs. Eventually, though, I changed my mind.

mvhsfrancais on Instagram

Les élèves du lycée Mount Vernon apprennent français en s'amusant. Suivez-nous pour voir nos aventures.

Short Form Video: Presentation to the Newsroom

Presentation to the newsroom on the basics of Vine and Instagram, 4/9/2014.

HashTagPirate | Search Instagram with multiple hashtags and Videos

Search Instagram with Videos only, Search Instagram with multiple hashtags . you can find specific results as per your tags, try it out!

  • Shelly Sanchez Terrell is the author of, Learning to Go, and The 30 Goals Challenge for Teachers. She has supported teachers and learners in 100+ countries F2F and virtually t...

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