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Updated by Faris Samawi on Apr 14, 2015
Faris Samawi Faris Samawi
10 items   3 followers   0 votes   130 views

HR Tweeps to follow

A listing of great Twitter accounts tweeting on various HR topics ...

Faris (@socialfuzzme)

Tweeting on #socialmedia #marketing #startups #leadership #HR #productivity & my latest professional passion: @digitalbuzzme which combines many of the above

Mike Figliuolo (@OnePieceOfPaper)

Thoughts from Mike Figliuolo's book “One Piece of Paper: The Simple Approach to Powerful, Personal Leadership” Write your leadership philosophy on just one page

Leadership501 (@Leadership501)

Examining the gears of leadership.

Undercover Recruiter (@undercoverrec)

Probably the Best Recruitment and Career Blog in the World. Brought to you by @LinkHumans. Join us on LinkedIn:

Link Humans (@linkhumans)

Social Media Agency. Tweets by Laurence.

Hay Group ME (@haygroupme)

Hay Group is a global consulting firm that works with leaders to turn strategies into reality. Visit our website at

Hay Group Europe (@haygroupeurope)

Hay Group is a global management consulting firm that works with leaders to transform strategy into reality.

Hay Group (@haygroup)

Hay Group is a global management consulting firm that works with leaders to transform strategy into reality.

Ala' Ahmad (@Allouqa)

Passion, Determination, Dedication, Exploring and SMART Actions are my life-raft which will carry me to my Dream Island - a young dreamer who will make it real.

iHRArabia (@ihrarabia)

A place for #HR professionals in the Arab world to share their thoughts, ask for advice and interact on the latest in human resource management (#HRM)