Listly by Carla Arena
Here is a list of resources for our CTJ training session.
This week I've been: Hanging out with the rest of the #TeachTheWeb team (check out that new wiki page!) in London on Monday and Tuesday. We got some clarity on what we're up to this year. Michelle, Laura, Kat and Fuzzy are awesome.
by Terry Heick Instructional design is the strategic creation of learning experiences through intentional planning, sequencing, and data-based revision of learning. This process includes both the ways content is accessed, and the learning needs and objectives (and how they are determined) themselves.
Technology Pedagogy and Content Knowledge (TPACK) - TPACK is a framework for understanding the complexity of teaching with technology. It builds on Shulman's (1986, 1987) descriptions of...
I really like what's in and what's out of current trends. I created the following chart of what I hope and wish would be education ins and outs in the NEAR future.
Visit the Main Site at The Definitive App Smasher's Guide Description: Avoid succumbing to content app frenzy, instead center your use of iPads to create projects that allow for "app smashing." In this session, learn how you can blend the creations from one or more apps into incredibly fun creations.
Phase 1 - Teachers use tech to deliver dynamic lessons Phase 2 - Students use tech to access content knowledge Phase 3 - Students as producers of information, as publishers, as audience, as peer revie...
A look at how many educators integrate technology into their instruction.
Why do forward thinking leaders need to use technology? Why is it no longer possible to separate good leadership and technology leadership? We contend all educational leaders have a responsibility to learn and use technology. The idea that education can exist without using technology is increasingly preposterous.
Russian photographer Murad Osmann continues to be led around the world by his girlfriend Nataly Zakharova in his ongoing Follow Me project. With her back facing the camera, Zakharova eagerly holds the hand of her photographer boyfriend, guiding him through various locales across the globe.
This site contains assignments for and created by participants in the most kick butt online open course anywhere, ds106, Digital Storytelling ( more...). As of Jan 20, 2014 this collection includes 625 ds106 assignments and 5770 examples created from them. Check out our Featured Assignments Do you feel lucky?