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Updated by Andrew Tuttle on Feb 20, 2014
Headline for Post-Apocalyptic Games
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Post-Apocalyptic Games

Role-playing and table top games with post-apocalypse themes.

After the Horsemen - Two Hour Wargames

Time to rebuild the world but this time with you in charge!

Wreck Age: A Post-Collapse RPG and tabletop game

The 247 page Wreck Age rule book gives you everything that you need to get started playing. Welcome to The Resurgence. Welcome to the Wreck Age. is a dystopian, post-Exodus adventure game, where struggling communities vie for resources on a post-collapse Earth.

Frankenstein Atomic Frontier

The Patchwork Post-Apocalyptic Western Role-Playing Game in which players take the role of Frankenstein creations struggling to build their lives on the post-Atomic frontier world of the Sublime.

Abney Park's Airship Pirates

It's 2150, and the Earth's starting to get over the Great Apocalypse of 1906. From the steampunk sky-cities of Isla Aether and High Tortuga, airship pirates ply the clouds, in search of excitement and booty, kept in check only by the might of the Imperial Air Navy.

After the Bomb RPG - Palladium Books

A complete new role-playing game of post-apocalyptic insanity, where intelligent mutant animals have inherited a devista

Aftermath! - Fantasy Games Unlimited

The sun hangs low on the horizon illuminating the ruins of civilization with a bloody light. Is it the sunset of the e