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Updated by Erika Yigzaw on Mar 21, 2023
Erika Yigzaw Erika Yigzaw
4 items   5 followers   0 votes   31 views

Cob Cottages, Permaculture, and Sustainable Living

Here's a list of resources related to permaculture, sustainable living, cob cottages, mud brick houses and more!


PROUT: A New Paradigm of Development PROUT is a new and comprehensive socioeconomic theory intended to create opportunity for every human being to fully develop and constructively express their physical, mental and spiritual potentials. Current systems of development are unable to provide this opportunity. They cannot even ensure the peace, equity, sustainability, basic necessities, and...

Farmer Builds An Incredible Hobbit House for Just $150 ! Take A Look Inside

(TruthSeekerDaily) At a time when housing rates are hitting the roof, an English farmer has gone and built a house for almost nothing. 59-year-old Michael Buck spent $250 to construct a small, yet cozy house in the garden of his Oxfordshire home: The former art teacher drew plans for the house on the back of...

How to Build a Cob House? Characteristics, Benefits

A complete guide to building a cob house. Let's see the 5 things to consider for your cob house plans. Read this article to know facts, design & ideas.