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Updated by c. Tseng on Dec 10, 2014
c. Tseng c. Tseng
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CNN大讚台灣10好 動新聞、夜市上榜 - 天下雜誌

台灣是對素食者最友善的國家之一,全台大約有6千多家餐廳提供素食,特別是琳瑯滿目的素肉食品,滿足了素食者想吃肉、卻又不能吃的口腹之慾。 7.世界少棒冠軍 棒球是台灣的國球,歷年總共獲得了17次世界少棒冠軍,全球排名第一,是日本的兩倍多。2013年,桃園新明國中組成的台灣青少棒隊,奪得世界次青少棒冠軍。 圖片來源:劉國泰 8.全民健保 CNN指出,台灣擁有可能是全世界最好的全民健保制度。不過,對台灣人而言,全民健保確實還存在許多有待改善的問題。 9.Hello Kitty熱潮 台灣人對於Hello Kitty的熱愛,不僅僅是主題餐廳而已,台灣是全世界第一個取得授權,推出Hello Kitty啤酒的國家;2013年,長榮航空推出Hello Kitty彩繪專機,客艙與機上用品設計,都以Hello Kitty為主題;高雄漢來飯店也搶搭Hello Kitty熱潮,特別推出了Hello Kitty主題客房。 10.小籠包 小籠包源自中國上海,卻在台灣發揚光大,鼎泰豐的小籠包聞名中外,除了台灣,也在澳洲、泰國和美國等多個國家開設了分店。位於香港的兩家分店,更獲得米其林一顆星的肯定。 (吳凱琳編譯) 10 things Taiwan does better than anywhere else

10 things Taiwan does better than anywhere else

Craving oyster omelets and bubble tea in the middle of the night? Crowded with street hawkers, the 300 or so bustling bazaars on this tiny island operate until the small hours. (CNN) -- With 23 million people crammed onto an island that covers just more than 36,000 square kilometers, Taiwan ranks among the 20 most densely populated places in the world.

52 Places to Go in 2014

From No. 1 Cape Town all the way to No. 52 Niagara Falls, N.Y., explore the vibrant cities and spectacular coastlines, unexpected spots and new attractions that made our list this year.

Modern Toilet on Travel Channel

Modern Toilet restaurant featured on the Travel Channel. Poo poo and bathroom themed restaurant.

Modern Toilet Restaurant, Taipei, Taiwan

Wow, what a crazy concept for a restaurant! I sure hope this does't catch on in the US. Meal was $250NT (about $8 US) spicy chicken curry served in a miniature toilet, soup, steamed rice, rolled seaweed concoction and a strawberry smoothy served in a miniature urinal.

Hello Kitty takes to the skies

The cutesy brand has been co-opted by EVA Airways to try and attract new fliers from a growing Chinese market. For more CNN videos, check out our YouTube channel at Or visit our site at

EVA AIR Hello Kitty Jet makes first flight to US. 長榮航空牽手機洛杉磯首航慶祝

長榮航空第六台Hello Kitty Jet牽手機(Hand-in-Hand Jet)首航洛杉磯國際機場慶祝活動。 B-16703 Boeing 777-300ER Taiwan's EVA Airways Hello Kitty Hand-in-Hand Jet Premiere arrival party held on 18th Sep. 2013 at Los Angeles International Airport.

萌翻世界的的新竹Hello Kitty酒店_台湾旅游资讯_台湾岛旅游网

台湾Kitty猫旅馆,这是位于台湾新竹的Hello Kitty旅馆,从台北开1小时车就可以到达。旅馆自2008年7月开业,生意一直都很火爆,只有提前3个月预定才有可能住得到。

The Great Language Game

Challenge yourself to identify some eighty languages by their sound alone. Learn more about how languages sound and where they're spoken.

45 Taiwanese foods we can't live without

From mountains of flavored shaved ice to chicken cutlets as big as your face, Taiwanese eating always comes with superlatives

Street food foray into Taiwan's night markets

Derrick Chang is a Canadian photojournalist based in Hong Kong. His work has appeared in Time, the New York Times, CNNGo, Huffington Post, and other Asian media outlets. He enjoys hiking from one mountain village to another, waiting for the golden light and dining on street food.



驚喜合唱 101 Flash Mob Chorus in Taipei 101, Taiwan

一群喜好音樂的志願者在台北101的美食街快閃表演了美麗動人的台灣和中國歌曲 包括綠島小夜曲,茉莉花,望春風,以及高山青。 我們帶給了現場群眾意外的驚喜,也希望可以跟全世界介紹台灣的美。 台灣最美的風景線是人,有訪客如是說,您說是嗎。 歡迎大家推薦給您的朋友。 ==歡迎分享這個網頁連結,讓更多人體驗快樂和感動== ==可是請勿重製或下載此一視頻,否則侵權責任自負== A heart warming flash mob chorus performance of popular Taiwanese and Chinese songs in the food court of Taipei 101, Taiwan. The songs performed are: Green Island Serenade (lv-dao-xiao-ye-qu), Jasmine (mo-li-hua), Spring Breeze (wang-chun-feng) and Mountain is Green (gao-shan-qing).

40 Taiwanese foods we can't live without

From mountains of shaved ice to chicken cutlets as big as your face, Taiwanese foods all come with superlatives

構築僑胞永遠的家 歡迎收看台灣宏觀網路電視


40 Taiwanese foods we can't live without

From mountains of shaved ice to chicken cutlets as big as your face, Taiwanese foods all come with superlatives

[HD] Savor the Flavors of Taiwan #1 品味台灣1/3

Subtitles] All in Good Taste! A Must See of Eating in Taiwan!! Part 1》 1:25 History 3:15 Taiwanese Cuisine 4:30 Hakka Cuisine 5:15 Chinese Food in Taiwan 6:30 Flavorful Hotpots Part 2》 Part 3》 == about the Video == Taiwan's cuisine is famed the world over for striking a delicate balance of presentation, aroma and flavor.

[HD] Savor the Flavors of Taiwan #1 品味台灣1/3

Subtitles] All in Good Taste! A Must See of Eating in Taiwan!! Part 1》 1:25 History 3:15 Taiwanese Cuisine 4:30 Hakka Cuisine 5:15 Chinese Food in Taiwan 6:30 Flavorful Hotpots Part 2》 Part 3》 == about the Video == Taiwan's cuisine is famed the world over for striking a delicate balance of presentation, aroma and flavor.

28 Reasons To Love Taipei

557,245 Total Views Tagged: travel, 7-eleven, beef noodle soup, ramen, soup dumplings, taipei, taiwan, cottonellefresh, viral, win 8.1X Social Lift Stats (N.B: the following list is by no means a ranking hierarchy.) 3. Taipei has the coolest cafés. Eat it, Seattle.

A Weekend in Taipei, Taiwan - Your Ultimate Weekend Guide to Taipei | Haberdasher Standard

Taipei is the city I'm sort of familiar with, yet sort of not. I'm Taiwanese but didn't really spend time in Taipei when I was young, I felt like I know Hong Kong better than Taipei.