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Updated by Simon The Shiatsu Guy Henderson on Feb 06, 2014
Headline for How to Stay Healthy if you're a Rock Star! (or just living life to the max)
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How to Stay Healthy if you're a Rock Star! (or just living life to the max)

If you're a bit rock n roll, like to stay up too late, drink too much, smoke and party... Then you're gonna need this list... If you're just working hard and enjoying yourself too, then you'll probably need this list too...
I've done my best to put together a list of things that will help to keep you healthy even when you're pushing the machine to the limits... Enjoy and ROCK ON!


Reishi Mushroom

Reishi Mushroom

Great for boosting your immune system. One of the life-extension group of plants.
Reishi is anti-cancer and immune boosting, has anti-oxidant benefits and gives relief from urinary tract symptoms.
That is pretty awesome!


Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola

Gotu Kola does so many awesome things! This one should definitely be on your daily supplements list. Gota Kola helps with inflammation (from too much partying), insomnia, healing of wounds, reduces anxiety, has a mild stimulating effect (not as noticeable as caffeine, and without the potential side effects), as well as a whole host of other benefits... It's well documented in Ayurveda as well as Chinese medicine. Said to be taken regularly by the worlds oldest man, Li Ching-Yuen, who reportedly lived until the age of 256! Now that is Rock n Roll!!




Getting a cold is not very Rock Star, so as soon as the first symptoms start then start taking this...
Can be used for loads of other infections as well as applied topically too... Can't go wrong with this in your kit!


Vitamin C (1000mg +)

Vitamin C (1000mg +)

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3

Vitamin B12 or B Complex

Vitamin B12 or B Complex







Wheat Grass Powder

Wheat Grass Powder

Barley Grass Powder

Barley Grass Powder


Exercise - keep the machine in good nick!

This one is a no-brainer, look after the body and it will look after you! And Rock stars always look way better a bit ripped than a bit podgy...


Yoga and Pilates - Madonna swears by it and she's looking pretty good

Yoga and Pilates - Madonna swears by it and she's looking pretty good

Madge is still pretty rock n roll, and she looks great! Too bad it didn't work out with that Ginger fella...


If it's good enough for Muhammad Ali and Marilyn Monroe... Have a Shiatsu!

If it's good enough for Muhammad Ali and Marilyn Monroe... Have a Shiatsu!

Both Muhammad Ali and Marilyn Monroe received Shiatsu treatments from Japanese Shiatsu Master Toru Namikoshi... Follow in the footsteps of the greats and treat yourself!


Take a daily Green Juice

Take a daily Green Juice

It might take a little getting used to, but the huge amount of micro-nutrients in a glass of fresh 80/20 vegetable/fruit juice is pretty amazing! It will keep you going to party on for another day!


Give up the bad stuff and focus on the good stuff!

Give up the bad stuff and focus on the good stuff!

The Red Hot Chili Peppers might have become a really boring band, but Antony Kiedis has been clean since 2000 and as a result he is not dead now... Which is more to say than for a lot of Rock n Roll casualties