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Updated by Designers Books on Jan 08, 2014
Headline for CreativeMornings Community Book List No. 3: Childhood
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CreativeMornings Community Book List No. 3: Childhood

For CreativeMornings theme for January 2014, we put together a list of books on childhood. Feel free to add your favorites to this list as well.

Architecture on the Carpet

"Does architecture drive the toy or does the toy reflect the architecture of the time?" This is the question explored by the Vales' fascinating exploration into the world of construction toys. Just like the real world, the urban/suburban divide has existed in the playroom: some building kits, like the odd boil-able, Bakelite Bayko, were distinctly suburban while others, like Bilt-E-Z, inspired component-part-exposing skyscrapers.

Beyond the Pawpaw Trees

Wondrous things happen when Anna Lavinia, a young girl who lives in a distant house behind a grove of pawpaw trees, sets off to travel to her aunt's house.

Charlotte's Web

This was the first book I read that was really about the power of design and typography. I would say that Charlotte's typographic web-o-grams represent the first depiction of a successful ad campaign in children's literature.

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

This book lives both on my top ten list of novels and as a very credible work of visual literature that broke through to a mass audience.

Harriet the Spy

From the Publisher. Harriet M. Welsch is a spy. In her notebook, she writes down everything she knows about everyone, even her classmates and her best friends. Then Harriet loses track of her notebook, and it ends up in the wrong hands.

Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth

Fiction, Comics and Graphic Novels From the Publisher. Jimmy Corrigan has rightly been hailed as the greatest graphic novel ever to be published. It won the Guardian First Book Award 2001, the first graphic novel to win a major British literary prize.

Just Kids

This epic love story about Ms. Smith's infamous relationship with Robert Mapplethorpe is fascinating and entertaining. Although they were young and they led reckless lives together in New York City's grittiest days, this book is truly a gentle memoir of the genuine respect and love she felt for Mapplethorpe's wild unrelenting creative psyche and ability to push boundaries that remain iconic and inspiring.

Le Petit Prince (The Little Prince)

The Little Prince had a big impact in my life when I was young and impressionable. It offered my earliest lessons in prototyping, iterating, and stretching your imagination: He said, "Draw me a sheep." So then I made a drawing. He looked at it carefully, then he said: "No.

The Selected Works of T.S. Spivet

Like Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close , the protagonist of this novel is a precocious kid (all of 12 years old). He is traumatized by the death of a family member, goes on a long journey, meets many interesting people, and discovers unexpected things along the way. The young T.

Sparkle and Spin: A Book About Words

From the Publisher. Through harmony and rhythm, resonance and pitch, Ann Rand inspires readers to listen to the tuneful play of her text as it sings off each page. Illustrated with graphic designer Paul Rand's colorful, witty artwork, Sparkle and Spin is a children's classic that reveals to young readers the power and music in the words they use every day.