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Updated by Vance Stevens on Jan 08, 2014
Headline for MultiMOOC
36 items   2 followers   0 votes   281 views


This is a list of tweeters who have shown interest in the EVO session MultiMOOC

Robyn Albers (@RobynAlbers)

Business Instructor at Zayed University teaching business communication. Interested in mobile learning in the classroom.

Sally Janes (@SlkJanes)

ESOL lecturer in the UK. It's all about the learners. All views are my own.

Ayat Tawel (@ayatawel)

An EFL teacher,teaching all age groups and levels. My main interests are online teaching and learning and enhancing creativity in the language classroom.

mscro1 (@mscro1)

EFL teacher, Croatia, Interesting in web 2.0 tools, happily married wife, mother of 2 boys - my blog

Alejandra Rotman (@rotmanal)

English teacher and astrologer

Sandra  A. Rogers (@teacherrogers)

Bookseller, Educator & Instructional Designer

Tuba Angay-Crowder (@tubaangay)

PhD student of ESL in Atlanta, GA. I am interested in teaching multimodal compositions, new literacies, passion-affiliated spaces

VCVaile (@VCVaile)

lifelong learner/educator, adjunct activist, social media concierge/curator chez tubz…blogosphere Twitter, Facebook &c. Opinions my own

indrit bulku (@IndritB)

Lecturer at Qatar University

Luciana Oliveira (@luthcal)

37, mother of 2, ESL teacher and life long learner and lover, spiritist. I run where I post about technology for teachers.

WaxPoeticGirl (@waxpoeticg)

a musicbender, a musicianbender...taken by music...müzikbükücü, müzisyenbükücü...:) blogger at

Maja Dakić-Brković (@maja_prolece)

Piano teacher
My motto is: The purpose of life is very simple - it is to expand our consciousness as beings.

Tamas Lorincz (@tamaslorincz)

I'm an English teacher who loves learning, thinking and talking about teaching and professional development. I love discussing issues and events with my PLN.

Ibrahim Rustamov (@ibrahimjon)

Interested in exploring technologies and their use in education, development and social change. @IREXintl @muskieprogram particpant All tweets are my opinion.

Janet Bianchini (@janetbianchini)

Teacher/ Teacher Trainer with a passion for my job and integrating technology in my lessons. Love learning new things!!

carlaraguseo (@carlaraguseo)

Profesora en inglés. Diseñadora y tutora de cursos virtuales. -

EFL teacher. Tutor and designer of online courses.

Natalya Eydelman (@nataneva)

EFL and ICT teacher and teacher trainer who likes to share with & learn from likely (or not) minded - it makes it more challenging