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Updated by tarun goyal goyal on Jan 19, 2014
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NGO in Haryana

An organization those work for free education and health in rural and urban area for poor people. In many rural area there are not any doctor is available for medical treatment and in many cases people loss their life because they do not get proper treatment at time and worse treatment. So, we are trying to provide them better medical treatment. for more information visit

NGO working in India

Education is fundamental right of everyone but they cannot afford. Hence, the NGO which has a mission to provide to provide better education those who need but they cannot afford. We are running various program of primary education to higher education for them.

NGO in Haryana

Due to poverty there are many children do not get their primary education and those who go to school but there quality of education is very worst. so tarun foundation focus on education to provide them a better education for their bright future.

NGO in Delhi

We also provide educational program for poor students those who prepare for professional courses or competition exam (like IIT, AIEEE and PMT).