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Updated by El Shepherd on Jan 05, 2014
El Shepherd El Shepherd
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construction worker tools

15 Essential Construction Tools for Beginners

Whether it is building houses, apartment buildings, hospitals, schools, or any other type of structure, the construction industry needs skilled workers. Not only does this include engineers and architects, but also carpenters and masons.

Construction Worker Tools

Construction workers are involved mainly on construction sites. They may function either as general workers or be associated with a specialist trade, such as plumbing or carpentry. Due to the many types of trades, a great variety of tools are used in overall construction work.

Construction worker

A construction worker is a tradesman, laborer (by tradition considered an unskilled tradesman), or professional employed in the physical construction of the built environment and its infrastructure. The term construction worker describes an abstract concept and is a meta-category for all those involved in construction; those performing the actual work.

Construction worker - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A construction worker is someone whose job is to work on a construction site where structures such as bridges or houses are being built. Construction workers use many types of tools (such as shovels and wrenches) and operate machines and vehicles such as trucks and bulldozers.