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Updated by Fusion 360 on Jan 03, 2014
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How to respond if your car starts sliding

Utah may have the best snow on earth, but trying to drive in it can be hazardous. Utah winter weather can cause some scary road conditions. Snow, ice, and black ice are all slippery road hazards that cause many car accidents throughout Utah. If your car starts sliding on the ice, it is important to know the best way to respond so you can minimize damage or even regain control of your vehicle. Here are a few tips on what to do if your car starts sliding.




First, before you try to drive in the snow, you should practice after a storm in a large empty parking lot so you can learn exactly how your car responds in snow and icy conditions. Practice how to brake safely, how to get out of a skid, and how your car handles overall in slippery conditions.


Ease up on the gas

Ease up on the gas

If your car starts to slip in place while you’re trying to accelerate from a stopped position be sure to ease up on the gas. Your tires need to be able to get traction, pressing on the gas will only make it slip more.


Turn the wheel the direction you want to go

Turn the wheel the direction you want to go

If your car starts to skid, let up on the gas and gently turn the wheel in the direction you want to go. Be careful not to over correct and do not reapply gas until you are again headed in the direction you want to go.


Slow down

Slow down

Car accidents are never a fun experience. When it’s snowy and icy in Utah be sure to drive safely to avoid a car accident. Slow down, give yourself more distance in between cars, and allow yourself plenty of time to brake.

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