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Updated by Stéphanie Montreuil on Jan 02, 2014
Headline for List of "My Three Words" entries, as started by Chris Brogan
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List of "My Three Words" entries, as started by Chris Brogan

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Three Words 2014

Move Small Speak My three words. Move as in keep walking, keep working, keep moving. Help others move to their higher selves. Move agendas forward, move better towns and cities to the forefront. Small as in small town, as in smaller me, as in taking bite size smaller pieces.

My 3 words for 2014

Posted by Stefano on January 1, 2014 in Chronicled Diversions | ∞ There has been a trend among my social network entourage during the last several years to start off each new year with a 3-word mantra. The idea is to think hard about three facets of one's life, career, personal growth or what have you, and come up with three guiding words.

Off On A Tangent: My Three Words for 2014: PLAY, FUN, and SURPRISE. Again.

CC Chapman and I were talking about the Three Word Exercise and agreed that " when you pick the right words they are not just for 365 days, but rather continue to stay with you."

Three Words for 2014

Last year I was introduced to Chris Brogan's "Three Words" exercise and for whatever reason, I didn't create a list of my own. Oddly, it mostly had to do with the fact that I felt I was too busy to fit it in.


3 Words For 2014

3 Words For 2014

Relationships Create Movements

corporate responsibility, social causes, relationships, community, networking

My Three Words for 2014: Serve Yourself First

Setting New Year's Resolutions can be tricky business. How big should you dream, what should you aim for, which goals should be rolled into your resolutions? It's also a double edged sword, identifying resolutions is one thing, implementing them is another entirely. And when you don't hit the mark, it can be a disappointing and de-motivating experience.


My Three Words for 2014

My Three Words for 2014


Merciful. Drone. Trombones.

My favorite web development in 2013 was the launch of Early in the year, Lutheran Confessions had the honor of ending up 39th on a popular list of Christian blogs you should be reading. Thanks to Christian Piatt for creating that list.

Join my Big Collaboration Experiment in 2014 - #MyThreeWords

My three words for 2014 are "Big Collaboration Experiment". This is my third #mythreewords. I started with "I Love You" in 2012 and "Be Worthy Together" in 2013.


3 words for 2014

3 words for 2014


in 2014. :)


Three Words

Three Words

Be Yourself, Forever!


My three words

My three words

Be Awesome Today!


#MyThreeWords #2014

#MyThreeWords #2014

Flow, Innovation, Evolution

Original Evergreen Experience My 3 Words for 2014

It's always an engaging experience to look back at ones previous years posts and see how the three words written in January set the theme for the year! Did we stay on track or did "new" themes and variations take over during the year.

Create, Compete, Complete

My 3 Words for 2014 | Pastor Joe McGarry Since 2011 I have participated with picking 3 words to help guide my year. This idea has come from Chris Brogan and it has helped keep me focus on my goals throughout the year.

Top Left Design

3 words - easier than resolutions, right? Back in 2006 Chris Brogan started a tradition where at the end of every year, people share their three words that will guide them through the following year. Nick Kellet, founder of Listly, has blogged about it here, if you want a good old explanation.

My Three Words for 2014

For five years, I've chosen three words to focus upon in the coming New Year. I've never been fond of resolutions, believing they're a setup for the disappointment that comes with their lapse. Goals? I am working on plenty of those, all the time.

Three Words for 2014 | Common Cents Mom

The new year is starting with a cold winter morning here in Nova Scotia, which makes it a great time to sit and plan, dream and reflect. For the past few years I have used 3 words to guide me as I went along, last year my words were Brave, Trust and Habit.

My Three Words for 2014

Every year, I go through an exercise where we take three words and use them as the central focus of your goals and efforts for the year to come. Instead of saying "I want to lose 30 pounds" and then forgetting about the goal a day later, I might have something like "green" that reminds me to eat more plant-based foods at every meal, or similar.

My Three Words for 2014

This time last year I spent some time thinking about the word that would be my guiding principle for 2013, and the word I came up with was "abundance." I chose that word because I wanted to make 2013 a period of professional growth, but ultimately it wasn't the best word choice.

Mitch Joel's Blog - My 3 Words For 2014 - January 01, 2014 11:46

Happy New Year! Welcome to 2014. What's your plan? I was never a fan of goal-setting... and even less of a fan of New Year's Resolutions. For a long while, I was working within a framework called The Goal Cultivator courtesy of Dan Sullivan (aka The Strategic Coach).

My Three Words for 2014 (quick version)

I recently attended an event with Rob Brown, the well known expert on referral marketing, who introduced me to the idea of picking three words to focus your year, The idea is from Chris Brogan's blog where he has been picking his own words and encouraging others to do so as well for many years.

My Three Words for 2014

Three words can drive momentum, maintain focus and prioritize your efforts! Will you take the Three Word challenge? Credit Chris Brogan For This I can't take credit for this exercise- full credit goes to Chris Brogan. (I really hope you check out his post with his three words for 2013 PLUS his words from previous years!)

My three words for 2014: happy, helpful, and whole - Blog - Cook for Good, home of Wildly Affordable Organic and Fift...

I got this terrific idea for framing each year with three words from Chris Brogan via Rob Hatch. For 2013, Rob's words were Systems, Service, Now and Chris's were Walt, Ender, and Monchu (which make sense if you read his post).

My Three Words for 2014

For the past 4 years I have prepared for the new year by choosing 3 words. So, Instead of creating a complex and non-functional list of resolutions which we all forget after the second week of January, I keep these 3 words and include them in my short and long term goals.