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Updated by Mike Cooke on Jan 01, 2014
Mike Cooke Mike Cooke
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Best harnesses for dogs that pull

The pick of the best harnesses for dogs that pull

How to Stop Your Dog Pulling On The lead - The Worlds Most Comfortable Harness!.wmv Nikki Brown The UK Dog Whisperer demonstrates how to stop your dog pulling on the leash using the most comfortable harness in the world. Many dogs pull or misbehave on the lead because they are wearing the wrong type of walking equipment which they feel uncomfortable in.

Teaching Your Dog Not to Pull on a Leash

Teaching your dog leash manners might be challenging, but it is important to insure your dog walks nicely on a leash. There are many techniques you can try to train your dog to walk without pulling or lagging behind.

Sled dog

Sled dogs (also sledge dogs and sleigh dogs) are a group of dog breeds and mongrels that, historically, were bred for the purpose of pulling a dog sled. These dog sleds were important for transportation in arctic areas, hauling supplies in areas that were inaccessible by other methods.