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Updated by Sean Carter on Jun 27, 2014
Sean Carter Sean Carter
5 items   1 followers   2 votes   25 views

How to get fit in the New Year

A list of resources to help you get off on the right foot in your fitness

Pro Fitness Reviews

Find out the very best place in your area to get the perfect workout

The Fitness Professional's Guide to Online Training

I'm especially proud of this ebook. It's over a year in the making. My co-author, Lisa Shaughnessy, of Agility Social Cues started it and after some stagnation on it asked me to co-author with her, to which I was happy to do. I really wanted to read this myself once she was finished with it, [...]

Release your Inner Olympian: Frugal & Free Fitness Resources (post 6)

I'm running a bit behind on my January fitness series, but we're back at it today! As a reminder, my goal for January is to both inspire you to achieve new fitness goals AND do so in a way that doesn't break your budget.

Workout Music Resources for Fitness Instructors

Work is going well so far today! Over the past two weeks our gym has been rather dead, so I wasn't expecting a great turn out for the TRX class I taught this morning. Fortunately we had a good bunch and everyone came ready to work up a sweat.

The Top Fitness Resources

Thеrе аrе ѕοmе key principles tο keep іn mind whеn developing a bodybuilding program. Thіѕ іѕ a tough goal tο achieve bесаυѕе іt takes a lot οf work. Those whο want tο develop bulging muscles аnd gеt fit need a lot οf inspiration аnd motivation tο stick tο thеіr рlаn.